Chapter 16: Masters of Manipulation

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~Blue's POV~
Horror was up! Hopefully he would corporate so I won't have to do anything rash...."B-Blue?" Horror said. He looked at me with his one red glowing eye. He is so adorable! "Hi Horror!" I said in response. "Where are we? What hap-" I cut him off by teleporting in front of him. "All your questions will be answered, lets just wait for Dusty to wake up." I told him. He's blushing....How cute! "Y-You're to close." Horror told me. Hm, guess I am. I backed up and sat on the bed next to Horror. We waited until Dusty woke up.

~Dust's POV~
I woke up in a strange room. Where am I. I sat up to see Horror leaning his head on Blue's shoulder. Blue then turned around and looked at me. Why were his eyes different? Instead of Blue stars their red stars with a tint of Blue. "Aww you like my eyes Dusty?" Blue said. I didn't notice I was starring at his eyes for so long until he pointed it out.  "Are you going to answer my question now?" Horror asked Blue. Blue looked at him and nodded.

~3rd Person POV~
Blue answered all their questions one by one until they had no more. Of course they're some he couldn't answer. Once Horror and Dust were done asking questions Blue told them he had something for them and to close their eyes.  Horror and Dust closed their eyes, Blue then got to collars and put them on Horror and Dust. "You can open your eyes now!" Blue said with enthusiasm in his voice. They both opened their eyes and looked at the collars on and them. "Why do we have these things on?" Dust asked. "So you can leave silly!" Blue responded looking at Dust. Just then Horror remembered something that happened before he was knocked out. "Y-you. You killed Red and-" Horror was cut off by Blue. "I didn't do that. I mean why would I kill someone?" He responded. "B-but thats what happened.  Then you knocked us-" Blue cut him off again. "I didn't knock you out you passed out. Your probably remembering stuff wrong." Blue said trying to twist Horror's words.

"Dust do you remember?" Horror motioned at Dust. But Dust didn't remember a  thing before Blue knocked him out. "Yea I oki probably am remembering things wrong." Horror said. "See I told you!" Blue told Horror. But little did he know what he remembered was exactly correct ;)

~Ink's POV~
Its been a while since Dream used his magic. Hopefully I won't have to do that Error. Pft-, how am I kidding he won't be a problem. The bed is moving, he must be up. I turn around to see Error sitting up. "Ink? W-where am I?" Error asked me. I obviously can't tell him where he is, so I'll just dodge the question. "That doesn't matter right now. W-" I was cut off by Error. "I want to know where I am Ink." Error said to me in a demanding voice. That was a big mistake. I grabbed Error by his shirt collar and said "If you ever talk to me like that again. There will be consequences. Do i make my self clear?!"

Error nodded in agreement. "S-sorry." He said. I forgot he doesn't like to be yelled at.

~3rd Person POV~
Error realized that he had a collar on him. He looked at Ink and asked him why he had one on. "So you won't be able to leave." Ink answered. At this point Error was more confused than ever. Why would Ink stop him from leaving? Where is he? What happened? Questions were flooding Error's head yet to be asked and answered. "Error." Ink said making Error faces towards him. "I know you have a lot of questions right now, but I can't answer them for your own good. You understand right?" Ink continued. Error just looked Ink and nodded in agreement. "But can you answer this one question?" Error asked. "Depends on what it is." Ink replied. "Well I was just wondering...Where are the others?" Error asked. Ink just looked at him thinking of whether or not he should answer his question. "They're in their on rooms, but we don't need to see them right away do we?" Ink responded asking a question at the end. Error, being to afraid yo disagree with Ink, just nodded in agreement leaving it at that. "Hey Error." Ink said. Error hummed in response. "Since there's a tv in my room want to watch a movie?" Ink asked, not really giving Error the option to say no. "Ok." Error responded.

Ink then put on *insert whatever movie name you can think of* and they started watching it.

*1 hour later*

Error had fallen asleep and the movie was over. *That was pretty easy...To easy* Ink thought to himself as he cover Error with the blanket. Ink then watched his favorite and under-rated anime food wars, while error sleep.(Yes i watch anime dont judge me😤)


~3rd Person POV~
Everyone was still in their rooms. The fallen stars thinking they won the battle.

But whats that saying again??

Losing the battle but winning the war.....

But in this case its in reverse.....

Win the battle and loose the war.....


*Preview of the next chapter!!*

~Nightmare's POV~
I woke up to see Dream isn't in the room. I got up out of the bed and walked out the door only to trip and go head first.

~3rd Person POV~
All of sudden Nightmare jolted up in his bed. He was corrupted again. He was in his normal room. Was all of that just a dream? No it couldn't have it was to real. He's probably in dream right now! Nightmare started trying to wake up, but nothing worked...Guess it really was all just a dream...or was it?

Find out in the next and final chapter..

Chapter 17: Just a dream.

(Author's Note: I believe this is the longest chapter I did so far;(. Sorry for not posting often just wanted a little break should've told you guys. Anyway yes chapter 17 is the last on but, there will be another book continuing this one it will be short though so don't get your hopes up. 1067 words. Goodbye 👋!!!)

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