Chapter 14: Plan into Motion

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~Dream's POV~
I teleported to the room they had Nightmare in. There was blood on the chair. That must've hurt. Doesn't matter anyway, soon he will be mine and only mine~  I walked out the room and into the living room. No one was here.....perfect. Time for the takeover to begin.

~Ink's POV~
Error is sleeping right next to me. It's been a couple of days since Dream stabbed me with his tentacle, but it's all apart of the plan. He should be attacking soon and I need to act like I'm still injured and sleep. I heard a loud thump coming from outside, that must be him. I acted like I was sleeping when Error woke up. He looked out the window we had in our room and saw Dream, and his hologram of Shattered. Error left the room closing the door, softly, behind him. He must've not wanted me to wake up. If I had a soul I would've been laughing, but I don't.

~Nightmare's POV~
I heard a loud thump from outside. My room doesn't have a window so I have to go outside to see what happened. I rushed out my room, went downstairs only to see the front door open. Everyone was already outside! I was on my outside when someone grabbed my wrist. It was Ink! Wait....."Ink!" I half yelled. He then teleported both of us up stairs, for some reason. Wait......... He's working with Dream! I tried to run away, but his grip only tightened. "You have to stay here. Dream's orders." He said having no emotion in his voice. "I DON'T CARE WHAT DREAM ORDERED YOU TO DO. LET ME GO!" I yelled at Ink. His eyes went from stars to plain white dots. He then slammed my skull to the ground cracking it a bit. I feel so dizzy. Maybe shutting my eyes won't hurt.

~Ink's POV~
Why does he have to a hassle all the god damn time. He passed out, might as well move my hand of his skull.  I walked over to my room and looked out the window, all the action died down when Blue, Outer and Dream revealed themselves. Wow, I missed all of it because I was stuck with babysitting. I then saw someone else run outside. Nightmare?!! How?! I then teleported myself outside, but somewhere so they can't see me, I'm still injured after all.

~Blue's POV~
I saw Ink in the far distance and Nightmare running out to help. He really thought he was going to help. Outer teleported behind him picked up with soul magic and teleported back next to me. I have to admit doing all this is much more fun than protecting the multiverse. The plan wasn't over by far though. Dream looked at me and nodded, I nodded back. Time to kill of the unwanted. Well there is inky going to one to kill of, Red. I teleported behind him and stabbed him, right in the soul. He then started to slowly dust away. Everyone looked so surprised. Killer tried to come and attack me....he so foolish. Outer teleported behind him and knocked him out. Catching him while he falls.

~Nightmare's POV~
Killer is down. I dint think I can fight back, especially when I'm trapped in soul magic. Outer dropped me and Dream picked me up again. Error then tried to send strings to save me, but Ink appeared behind him. I couldn't hear anything Ink was saying, but it must've triggered something from Error, he lowered his hands and turned around. i looked at Dream, he was smiling. "Alright lets go." Dream said. Blue then teleported behind Dust and Horror and knocked them out, carrying  both of them with blue magic. Ink knocked Error out to. Outer made a portal and they walked through. Im the only one that's still awake. All of them went to separate rooms. Dream took me to I'm assuming is his room.

~Dream's POV~
This is only the beginning...................................

The plan is in motion. :)

(Author's Note: Hello! I know this took along time to come out but, I just did t have any ideas on how to end this chapter. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K READS!! I honestly don't deserve this. Just let y'all know.......this book is far from over ;). 732 words. Bye Guys, Gals and Non-binary pals.)

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