Chapter 13: Let The Fun Begin;)

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~3rd Person POV~
Nightmare slowly woke up. Blinking his eyes(?) once or twice, until he fully opened them to see Outer standing in front of him, grinning. "Your up! You ready!?" Outer said with enthusiasm in his voice. Nightmare looked at him with a confused look. "Ready for what?" Nightmare asked Outer. Outer then got down to Nightmare's height(since he was tied up in a chair). Nightmare then noticed Outer's eyes. They were bloody red stars instead of white stars. That's when Nightmare knew what was going to happen.

"For your torturing to begin." Outer responded. Nightmare just looked at him worried for his life. Outer then pulled out a knife a stabbed it through Nightmare's hand, making it stuck to the chair arm rest. Nightmare screamed in pain, soon started crying. "Don't start crying now, we barley started." Outer told Nightmare, having full insanity full his voice. Nightmare looked at his hand then at Outer. "W-why are you d-doing this?" Nightmare asked. Outer looked at him, smiles pulled out another knife and stick it through his other hand.

Nightmare screamed again.(This part makes no sense) Blood coming out both of his hands now. "I didn't say you could talk now did I?" Outer asked Nightmare.

~Nightmare's POV~
I knew this was a trick. He wanted me to talk so he could stab me again. My hands hurt so much. I forgot Outer asked the question, he soon took the knives out of my hands at the same time. "GAAAAAHHH" I screamed. Outer looked so, insane. What happened to them? I then heard a door click. Blue walked through the door. "That's enough for now." Blue said. His eyes were different to. They were blue and bloody red stars. Outer looked disappointed he dropped the knives and walked out the door leaving me with Blue. My hands still hurt, but I've been trying to ignore the pain. I was then snapped out of my thoughts when Blue started wrapped my hands with bandages. I started hissing in pain when he touched the wound.

Once Blue finished one hand he then moved onto the other, finishing that one to. Once he was done he stood up and looked down at me. "Don't tell anyone what happened today or else." Blue threatened me. I don't really want to respond back so I just nodded my head. Blue bent down and started to untie me. Once I was free he told me to get up and led me towards the door. It was a living room. That's when I realized where we were, we were back at the my old castle, it was just fixed to a bit. Shattered then walked through another door, or should I say Dream, since they are the same person now. "Oh! Are your done already?" Dream asked. Blue nodded his head. Dream then told him to bring me back to the house that we all lived in. Blue opened a portal and pushed me through I then fell through the portal, falling onto the flour of the living room. Cross was the only one in the living room at the time, so he notice me fall. "You ok there? And what happened to your hands?" Cross asked me. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't tell him what really happened. I was going to say something until Blue walked through the portal as well. "Oh he just fell and I helped him!" Blue said. That little lair, I don't know how Cross fell for that but he did. Cross just went back to watching tv.

Blue then walked away to his room and I walked over to the kitchen. No one was in there. That's surprising. I got a glass of water walked to the table and just sat there, thinking about all the things that just happened.

~Dream's POV~
Everything was in place. The plan was going into motion..........................Let the fun being ;)

(Author's Note: Ello peoples. Sorry I was late on uploading this chapter. Anyways I just wanna tell you all how grateful I am for all the love and support on this book, my very first book. I know these chapters have been kinda short, but I will try to make the next one longer. 726 words. Peace out guys, gals and non-binary pals!)

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