Chapter 9: The Traitor Has Spoken

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~3rd Person POV~
Someone they least expect.....Out walked Nightmare. "Nightmares the traitor!" Blue yelled. "That would be a twist wouldn't it? But no." Shattered said.  Everyone was so confused....until Shattered dropped Dream on to the floor. Everyone looked at him. Dream was looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. "Go ahead and explain yourself Dream." Shattered said. "B-but why and how?! We were watching y'all conversation the whole time!" Blue yelled. "That's what you think. You were watching what happened when he came here alone. While y'all were watching that-" "Y'all were discussing the plan." Killer interrupted Shattered, completing what he was going to say.

~Dream's POV(I know y'all don't wanna hear him)~
I feel so bad. Why did I make a deal with him in the first place. Everyone looked so disappointed. The worst was yet to come. Apart of the deal I made with Shattered is that we would let my brother go if 1.I told him what the plan was and 2....I help him kill someone. B-but I'm pretty sure Killer can bring them back to life, so I'm not worried, but who is he gonna and kill? "As much as I would love to just stand here and watch y'all sulk. I still need to do one more thing." Shattered said smiling. I knew what was going to happen and I still wasn't ready. Shattered then threw everyone towards a wall that wasn't broken. They tried to attack....but I stopped them. Drawing my bow and arrow and pointing it at them so they wouldn't move.

"Dream! You don't have to do this!" Outer shouted. "It's to late to turn back now." I said back. I then felt something hug me from behind. It was Nightmare! "Y-you don't have to do this. You can find another way!" Nightmare said to me. I looked at him. Why am I doing this? I just want my brother back.....To late to turn back now. Without thinking I pushed him away, "Stay out of the way." I said. I then looked behind me to see Shattered walking up. "We need Killer out the way." Shattered told me. I nodded and made Killer go somewhere else. Away from everyone else. I don't think Killer could bring however is gonna due to life anymore....

~3rd Person POV~
Shattered looked at everyone deciding on who he was going to kill. Shattered then smiled. He new who was going to die. But it seems like they made an escape plan. Outer summoned stars and blew them up in front of Dream(Yes y out read that right. Outer can summon explosive stars). There was smoke and by the time it cleared almost all of them were out the door.....almost......Can toy guess who didn't make it out?

"DREAM SHOOT HIM!" Shattered yelled at Dream. Dream hesitated he never wanted to kill anyone. Especially him. "Its to late to turn back now." The same words kept repeating in his head over and over.  Then Dream shot him. Killing him instantly.

Guess who died?

Who do you think.....

Is dead?


(Author's Note: I released something early :D this is a first. Sorry it was so short though. I like this chapter. Think it's my best yet. Anyway....Any ideas on what the next chapter should be about? I'm out of ideas :(. 580 words! Peace out ✌️ Guys Girls and Non-binary pearls 😊)

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