Party and Punches

Start from the beginning

"Something like this before."

She says.


Laughing at her enthusiasm, I push the door open and exit while she does the same.

"Now I get why you do stuff like this."

Furrowing my brows, I stare at her with a puzzled expression.

"Like crazy stuff. You do it for the adrenaline rush."

My face falls flat.

"That's why you do it, right?"

Giving her a tight lipped smile, I nod my head. She punches the sky and starts to walk towards our apartment building, rambling on about how thrilling that was. I can't help but think that, no. No, that isn't the reason. The reason is that if I accidentally ever end up killing myself in an accident, I will finally get to meet my momma again. Besides, there's no point in living in fear. We live in a world where people kill each other for no reason. You could've been the purest person in the world and your life can be snatched away from you with just a snap of the fingers. Why bother living a life, which you know that you only have one of, in fear? Fearing every little aspect that will kill you. Anything can kill you at any point. Heck, even your own body can betray you at any point. I could literally fall and break my neck-

"Are you ok?"

Sage asks, staring at me weirdly as I stand right outside of the door of our apartment. Shaking my head, I walk inside and lock the door behind me.


I say with a British accent. Sage looks repulsed by it and so am I.

"I don't know why I said it like that."

Shaking her head at me, she says that she's going to go get ready and that I should too.

"It's only five. We still have two hours."

That causes her to shriek in surprise and then run in the direction of her room.

Laughing at her, I make my way over to the shower to wash all the sex off of me.


As soon as I step out of the shower, Sage stands there, staring right at me with wide eyes.

"I picked an outfit for you."

She grins at me, and makes some hand gestures to present the outfit.

She grins at me, and makes some hand gestures to present the outfit

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"That is stunning but don't you think that it's a bit too fancy for a party."

Shaking her head at me, she comments.

"It's better to be overdressed rather than underdressed."

Nodding at her, a questing arises in my mind.

𝐹𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑒𝑑 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now