The Fight Goes On/ Bret

Start from the beginning

"Oh what are we going to need a blanket for?" I waggle my eyebrows, hoping to get away with that since she's on her period. Maybe I can get away with more stuff when she's on her period.

Taylor puffs out her cheeks again. That expression is really growing on me. "Stay on your side of the couch."

I agree, knowing I'm going to break every one of those rules just to aggravate her. After I take off my shoes, we make ourselves comfortable on the sofa. I bring my body underneath the blanket. So does she. Our toes touch for the slightest second, causing tiny pulses to go up my foot. She pulls away , but I force her feet back.

"It's just our toes touching," I protest. "Besides, what's the worst I can do with some feet? Tickle you?"

After a few seconds, Taylor sighs and gives in. I smile. We position our feet right under another so I can feel the rhythmic pulses course into my body. While watching the show, she hands me some popcorn that I chomp on right away. She pulls her hand back in disgust as I shrug.

"Hey, ain't nobody got time to eat like you do," I say before shoveling more popcorn into my mouth in an annoyingly loud way. One rule broken. Two more to go.

She grumbles and brings herself under the blanket even more. So do I. After struggling against each other for a few moments, I finally jerk the blanket away from her, causing her to be left uncovered. She shrieks and pounces on me.

"I told you not to take the blanket!" she screams, but all I can do is laugh up at her.

"Whoops. Must have been my super strength." I show off my bicep muscles.

Taylor rolls her eyes. "Oh please. We all know triceps are way more important." She pokes my triceps. "But obviously you've got a lot of work to do in that department."

I ignore the fact that Taylor knows nothing about muscles, let alone which ones are more important, and wink at her. "Anything for you babe."

I don't know why I just called her that. Babe. I only say that to girls I'm dating. Then again, Taylor is pretty much an exception for everything. I'll say and do anything just to annoy her.

"I'm not your babe. Don't call me that."

I rest my hands around her waist in a relaxed position. "Isn't this a free country? Can't I call you whatever I want?"

"Let go of me!" she says, trying to unclasp my hands. Without so much a struggle, I loop my hands around her hands so they are tied behind her back. She puffs out her cheeks. "This is so unfair."

She lets her head droop onto my chest for a moment before realizing she's not on her side anymore. She's actually all over me and if the blanket weren't separating us, this would look way more awkward than it had seemed a minute ago. Then again it probably still looks awkward now.

Taylor perks her head up and I immediately let go of her hands. She's too close. If she gets any closer, I'll do something I'll regret. My heartbeat accelerates and her eyes catch mine. Her blue staring down into my brown ones. Her hair hangs down around my face, like a shield from the outside world. My nose breathes in the scent of her perfume. Is it perfume or is that her natural scent? Damn it. I need to get away.

Right before I'm about to move away from her, her hand comes up along the edge of my jaw before disappearing into my hair. I close my eyes, enjoying the moment of her massaging her fingers through my hair. My hands travel down to her waist. When I open my eyes, she's even closer than before. She looks like she's coming in for a ki-

Taylor gasps and backs away from me so fast, she loses her balance and falls off of the couch. I'm too dazed to save her. Was she about to kiss me just now? If I would have kept my eyes closed for a few seconds longer, would her lips have been on mine?

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