Summoning eurasia(part 4)

Start from the beginning

The emperor deployed a fleet including a dragon carrier and a 100-gun ship-of-the-line and ordered them to destroy the enemy fleet docked in Paganda. The Leiforian fleet raised their sails and used the magic tool Tears of the Wind God to accelerate to an unbelievable speed of 12 knots ("unbelievable" in this world) towards the south.

"General! Our dragon rider scouts report that they have spotted the enemy fleet!"

The wyvern lords, sent from the dragon carrier to scout, used magic to report back.

"There's only one enemy ship, but... it's over three hundred meters long, and it's fitted with gigantic cannons!"

General Bal wrinkled his brow. "Leave three escorts with us; send the rest of the dragon riders to attack! All ships, set course for the enemy ship!"

"Yes sir!"

Pushing aside the waves, the fleet changed course for the enemy's ship. The fleet's movements were very coordinated, a testament to its discipline. Wyvern lords were launched from the dragon carrier into the blue sky. They flew beautifully, in formation, heading west.

The Gra Valkas national oversight army's super-dreadnought, the Grade Atlastar, was slowly moving east. Its enormous body carved through the water, nearly splitting the ocean, as it trudged along. 46cm cannons were installed coaxially in three places, and the 9 guns shined proudly, as if aiming at the horizon. It was a solemn ship, with the bridge rising like a castle from the center of the ship. There were 3 high-angle guns pointed at the sky like hedgehog spines. They fired shells with proximity fuzes, recently developed by Gra Valkas. These shells emitted radar waves and would explode automatically when anything reflected those waves back, dealing damage with shrapnel.

Until a few years ago, the empire also used timed fuzes, but, with the introduction of the proximity fuze, the accuracy of their shells jumped up by a factor of 20. The 46cm main guns also began using targeting radars, which further improved their accuracy on top of their world-class firepower.

The Grade Atlastar's captain, Rockstar, gazed out at the sea.

"Captain, we've detected something on radar. There are numerous flying objects approaching, from the Leiforian fleet."

The report came from one of the radio operators: they were a type of dragon known as "wyverns." When they had destroyed the royal guard's dragon rider squadron, it was their first time fighting against wyverns, but their own fighter squadron suffered no losses and shot down every enemy. The wyverns couldn't even scratch the empire's Antares fighters.

The Antares-type fighter plane had adopted an advanced low wing from the biplane and used a reliable 1,000 horsepower engine. Like sharpening a sword, they obsessively iterated on a lightweight design and, as a result, created an aircraft that could achieve speeds of 550 km/h while boasting the best maneuvering capabilities in the world (at least, in their previous world). Equipped with a high-power 20mm machine gun in addition to a reliable 7.7mm machine gun, its offensive capabilities were nearly perfect.

In comparison, Paganda's wyverns could only fly at about 230 km/h. They could shoot fireballs from their mouths, but only one at a time. It was such a slow attack that could be avoided by simply changing directions a bit. To the highly-refined empire, the fireballs felt like they were barely moving. In conclusion, there was no way a wyvern could ever defeat an imperial fighter plane.

"Their current speed is three hundred and fifty kilometers per hour."

The radio operator reported in again. Compared to Paganda's wyverns, these were much faster. Well, in this world of barbarians and their so-called "superpower" countries, the only way to improve was to breed a better species.

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