Liam (So excited for his point of view!!!)

I dropped off the plates of food outside of Nickolas and Lexi’s bedroom and walk back down to the ball room. I hear a few guys speaking to each other by the bathrooms when I smell it. I stop dead in my tracks.

Very faintly, but the smell is still there. It’s incredibly desiring and I just want more. My mate. My wolf recognizes it, but not her. All I see are four men speaking to each other. I examine each man’s face for any sign of my mate; nothing. And I let go of the breath I’ve been holding, grateful that I’m not destined to be gay.

“Are you looking for something boy?” The older man gruffly asks me.

“Sorry to bother you sir. I just…I’m sensing traces of my mate.” I confess. The man chuckles at me.

“Well, I’ve already found my mate. But I have two daughters.” My heartbeat increases. One of his daughters must be my mate.

“Are they here?” Hope stirs.

“No, they’re at my pack.” Hope crashes.

“You’re a Beta of this pack, right?” He asks me.

“Yes, my name is Liam Stine.” 

“I’m Ben Ecru, Beta of the Jetsons pack. Stine? Are you the cousin of the Alfa?”

“Yes, Lexi is my cousin.” 

“Interesting. Are you close to Nickolas?”

“Well, I’m his Beta and he’s my ex-sisters mate. We’re close friends.” 

“Good to know. Are your parents here?” He continues questioning me.

“No, they’ve retired.” I answer slowly. Once I took over as Beta they retired. 

“Sorry, it’s just…they’re my daughters.”

“Oh, right. Um, can I meet them?”

“I’ll talk to Alpha Devrend and see if you can leave with me and my Alpha.” He smiles at me.

“All right.” I grin.

“Tell me about yourself, Liam.” The other men have left by now and I stand alone with him.

“Why don’t we sit in another office?” He agrees and we walk into another room.

“I’m 18 years old, I’ll be 19 in a few months. I like sports, hunting and turkey. And I have a large house.” I blurt out.

“A large house, huh?” He shakes his head. “I should warn you, both my daughters want to have lots of kids. I should also warn you that my oldest child is an overprotective male and brother to these girls. He doesn’t like the idea of his sisters finding their mate.” 


“I’m just messing around. He might be upset about it, but he’ll get over it. I on the other hand am thrilled that I might’ve met her mate before she had the chance.” 

“Tell me about your daughters, which one is older?”

“They’re twins, fraternal twins; Sapphire and Serenity. Sapphire is older by 10 minutes.”

Young Mate (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now