Battle for gim and the battle rodenius(part3.1)

Start from the beginning

Soon after, the skies in Rowlia's direction became peppered with black dots. After seeing the huge number of growing enemies, Kua Toine's dragon riders felt their hearts freeze.

Kingdom of Rowlia eastern subjugation army, advance force

1st dragon attack wing, size: 75

Kua Toine's dragon squadron bravely and boldly flew forward to meet Rowlia's dragons. Rowlia's seventy-five dragon riders had them in their sights.

"We'll take advantage of our air superiority. Prepare to fire."

The leader, Dragon Rider Captain Aldebaran, intended to wipe them out in one fell swoop. All seventy-five wyverns lined up and opened their mouths. Within, fireballs took shape.

"In five... four... three... two... one... fire!!!"

All seventy-five wyverns fired simultaneously. By adding rotation to their fireballs, firing from inside the mouth would drastically increase the range compared to when fired outside the mouth. Using this trick, they were able to fire before Kua Toine's dragons could even get into range. The twelve Kua Toine dragons suffered direct hits and fell from the sky.

"They've split their forces in two... be on guard."

Shortly after Aldebaran made this order, twelve wyverns in a row came out of the sky from the sun at his back. They attacked as they passed, taking down three Rowlian dragons. The two groups engaged in a melee. Rowlia had five times as many wyverns, so Kua Toine's wyverns quickly fell one after another. It only took a few minutes to completely annihilate them.

"We will now assist the ground forces. All units, provide supporting fire."

The dragon riders descended upon Kua Toine's army.

"D-damn! They have more wyverns, and their riders are more skilled than ours!" Moiji cried, punching the wall. "Our dragon riders have already been wiped out...!"
Then a miracle happened as the the biplane started decimating the Rowlian wyverns with their superior machine gun killing most of the enemy wyverns within minutes.
The biplanes now focused on the Rowlian ground army after their one sided victory against the Rowlian wyvern, raining machine and bombs down on them. The losses were devastating on the Rowlian forces.

Rowlian knight order suffered heavy losses from the mob of biplanes harassing them. Their numbers were already reduced by a one third of their original strength. Right then, 50 massive iron beast joined in the battle decimating the Rowlian army from the bombardment from their massive cannons while getting shredded by the many machines guns joined the battle. The behemoth and mammoth tank crew were enjoying this as it was a target practice causing majority of the Rowlian forces to retreat from this brutal onslaught.
"Eat lead fucking Rowlian barbarians, feel the wrath of our glorious motherland!"
4 massive troops transport carrier arrived and started deploying scorpion tanks and grizzly tanks(from halo but they lack they advanced engine and got a small reactor)

The fear spread rather fast as more of these iron beast started arriving across the Rowlian army causing them to surrender or runaway with their lives.

The battle would be remembered as the battle for gim.
With a massive devastating lost for the entire Rowlian land army having over 2 thirds of their army being casualties.
The Rowlian army was greatly demoralised by these heavy casualties.

Central Calendar year 1639, April 25th, Port of Myhak
New world era 25/5/01(Eurasian new world calendar)
In response to the 4,000-ship fleet dispatched by the Kingdom of Rowlia, at the naval base in Myhak's port, Kua Toine's 2nd fleet was finally sending off its new warships. Each ship ignited their engine and gathered in the port. Sailors double-checked the new cannons they had received while also testing their new R9 rifle(it based on the Soviet rifle mosin-nagant model 1891) they would be using to board enemy ships. Unused ammunition were stored away. The equipment against the enemy's wyverns were manned and fully loaded. Biplanes were installed on the old aircraft carrier from the Eurasian ww1 era. In total, there were about 20 ships.

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