Chapter - 28

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As they were already late, and the buses will be jam-packed at this hour, grandma had arranged a known taxi driver for them to go back to the town.

Since the wedding shopping has been planned for the next day, they are going back to Meera's home in the town. When Meera last checked with her Mom, they all had already reached Sachin's parent's home, after picking up Keerthi. Luckily her mother had reminded everyone to pack their bags for one night and day!

After the initial few exchanges with the driver, the rest of the journey went in silence, as both of their minds were wandering around on various thoughts!

Nakul was contemplating about what he had told grandma! Though he said it as a joke to silence her, he meant it at that moment. The tingling he felt at that time was real and confusing! He likes her and the kids. But he didn't have any romantic feelings towards her. Yes, he admires and respects her, in fact, a lot! And he wouldn't mind choosing her as his partner. But whatever it is, he had promised Sachin that he wouldn't cross his limits and he wouldn't risk his friendship at any cost! So he pushed that idea to some unused corner of his mind!

While on the right side of the passenger seat, Meera was replaying today's events! Though the day was started with her nervous self, thinking about all the worst-case scenarios, later it turned out to be her best day in many years! She met her old self after so many years. Also, she doesn't remember when was the last time somebody had told her that they are proud of her! For the past few years, she has been used to a standard set of reactions from the people around her; sympathy, pity, disgust, hurt, anger, curiosity, sorrow were some among them! But the appreciation, proudness, genuine happiness, or a warm-hearted smile, were not among them, which she luckily experienced today. Thanks to Nisha's grandpa, Nakul, and his grandma!

When they reached Sachin's home, Keerthi came running to her, and they both hugged each other for a long time. When Meera last saw her, she was a school-going little girl and now she has become a grown-up young woman!

Though they used to see each other on the video call, meeting a person in real gives a whole different feeling! All the pent-up emotions were coming back to them! For Keerthi, Meera and Sachin were like her elder twin siblings. When she was a kid, more than Sachin, she used to follow Meera wherever she went. After her mother, Meera used to be her mother-like figure, more than her aunt!
So, it was too difficult for her when Meera had gone to the US for her job. She used to miss her a lot and when Sachin too shifted to Australia, she felt all alone, even though she was the only one to receive all the pampering from her parents, Uncle, and aunt. After being in their protective shield all her life, she didn't know how to handle her life after they left! All these raw emotions flood back into her like a fresh wound and she started crying hugging Meera!

Meera felt overwhelmed knowing how much this little girl had missed her! Due to her busy schedule, she couldn't focus much on herself! She felt guilty for leaving her poor little sister to tend for herself! Meera tried to calm her down. Both their parents and Sachin also got emotional seeing their exchange. The kids were sad seeing them crying. But being the closest one to Keerthi, Jessi too teared up seeing this.

After the emotional welcoming, Meera and Nakul went to freshen up and to join others for dinner. Jo and Jeff were already asleep. Jessi was busy chatting with Keerthi and Jaidy and Jaiky were discussing some games with Sachin.

The kids have never met anyone from Meera's family other than her parents and Sachin. But with the frequent video calls, they got close to Keerthi, and her parents. No one will believe that they are seeing each other for the first time. Especially Keerthi and Jessi!

Sumitra: "Sis, what have you decided?" She asked Savitri in a hushed tone, looking at the kitchen door. While everyone was sitting in the living room after dinner, Sumitra and Savitri were putting away the leftovers, while talking about Meera in a hushed tone.

Savitri: "No Sumi, her papa is still against it! Even I don't want this. Kiran is not a match for Meera! My poor kid, she won't be happy with him. How can I even ask her this?"

Sumitra: " I know sis, even I don't like this alliance. But do we have a better option? If not for him, our child will end up alone. What will happen to her after us? Sachin is there, but he will be busy with his family and Keerthi will hopefully be too! Then she will be left all alone in this world, without anyone to depend on! Yes her kids are there, but their culture is not like ours. Once they become adults, they will be busy with their lives. They might look after her. Still.." She wiped her tears and continued "I wish she would have got a nice guy like Nakul. They even look good together. But, our bad luck!" She sighed. Savitri too wiped her tears.

Savitri: "I know dear. My poor child. Even I wished for them to be together! Anyway, I will talk to her later. Whatever let her papa say! I don't want my kid to be lonely!"


Sachin: "Nakul, was Meera with you all the time? Did you guys go somewhere else?" Sachin looked at him skeptically.

Nakul and Sachin were in Sachin's bedroom, getting ready to sleep. Nakul looked at him and contemplated what to say.

Nakul: "Yes, we went to Kishore and Vidya's home and then grandma's. Why?" He asked doubtfully.

Sachin: " Nisha had called me and said you had plans to meet her, but it didn't happen. Also, that her family is behaving weirdly." He was studying Nakul's face while saying this. Nakul just nodded in response and pretended to be busy with his phone.

Sachin: "NAKUL! Stop the act and tell me the truth! Did you take Meera to meet her parents?" he asked irritated with Nakul's response.

Nakul understood that it is better to tell him the truth, than letting him guess all the worst scenarios and create havoc!

Nakul: "Sachin, calm down man! Yes" Sachin was going to interrupt him, but he continued " first let me finish, and then you can argue! She wanted to meet them and requested me not to tell anyone.
So I won't give you the details. But I can assure you that you don't have to worry about it! Nobody insulted her and she handled it with pride! She knows how to handle situations, man! So stop worrying and trust her!"

Sachin looked at Nakul's eyes to know whether he is telling the truth. After getting convinced, he relaxed and sat on the bed, with a deep sigh!


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I didn't like what I have written earlier and deleted the entire chapter.


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