Chapter - 40

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Meera: "Hm... I started feeling weird things, and I'm scared, Nishu. I know it's forbidden, and I don't have any rights. He is such a good friend, his family is also so nice to us, and I feel like I'm cheating them by having these feelings for him. I tried avoiding him my best. But whatever I do, we end up spending more time together! I don't know what to do. It's so frustrating, and I feel like I'm a sinner! What am I supposed to do?"

Though a poor soul was sharing her agony, Nisha couldn't help with her excitement. She was beyond happy and wanted to inform Sachin right then!

Meera: "Hello... Nishu, you there?" Nisha cleared her throat to compose herself.

Nisha: "Ya... sorry, I was thinking about it. Meera, I understand but, why would you think that you don't have right? Can't you express it to him? What's wrong.."

Meera: "Nishu, Please!!! You also don't start with those 'you too should have a family' etc.. lectures. Let's be practical. I don't understand why nobody is thinking from his side? Why would he take up such a huge responsibility? It's not fair to put him in such a position. Could you please suggest something else? I thought of shifting to some other place. But with kids, and no one around, I don't know how I will handle it."

Nisha murmured few profanities against Nakul, which wasn't audible to Meera.

Nisha: "Hey.. don't think about such things... You don't have to go anywhere. Listen, Meera, stop being pessimistic and imagine. What if everyone likes it?? What if Nakul also likes you in that way? What if he wants to take up this responsibility? and his parents too?" Meera scoffed

Meera: "Ya... As if!!! Nisha, I didn't call you to make me dream more! I want to come out of it! Do you have any suggestion for that?"

Nisha: "Ok..Ok... Let me think about it. Give me some time. But can you please answer this for my peace? Would you accept if, in case, he and his family too like you?"

Meera: "Hmm... I would have. He has fitted into our life very well! Anyway, leave it. Tell me once you find some solution. And don't you dare tell it to anyone and try to convince Nakul into this."

Nisha: "Nope. I promise I will never force Nakul to like you. Happy? Ok Meera, I have a call in 5 minutes. I will think about it and see if something comes up. I will call you later. Ok? Take care, see you and don't worry too much about it. We will solve this for sure!"


After disconnecting the call with Meera, Neena called Nakul and asked him to move away from others. Once she made sure that nobody is near him, she started the conversation with all kinds of swear words known to her!

Nakul: "Hello Madam!! What is your problem? If you have fought with your husband, go and call him all those!"

Nisha: "Ya... I will. But before that, what the hell are you doing there, stupid? Idiot, have you ever tried to know whether she likes you or not? Wait until she runs for the hills, you buffoon!"

Nakul: "What the heck? Are you drunk or something?"

Nisha: "I wish! It would have been better than being surrounded by such stupids!"

Nakul: "Your highness, could you please calm down and tell me clearly what has happened?"

Nisha: "See, if you want her, propose to her soon! It has been months, and if you don't move forward, it will be too late!"

Nakul: "Did she say something?" Nakul panicked whether she caught a whiff of what is going around!

Nisha: "So you are waiting for that? Then wait till eternity!!! Are all men like this? Or is it just you and Sachin? Listen, she is not like me. She will never come and propose to you. So get it done asap if you don't want to regret it later! See you then! Bye"

Nakul was confused. He didn't understand what has gotten into her. Anyway, he decided to give it a deep thought later.

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