Chapter - 17

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Time flew by quickly and it is the week to travel!

"Mumma... Can I at least take these 2 shorts and this dress? I'm comfortable in those Mom!" Jessi asked.

"No baby, we have already discussed it. You cannot wear short dresses at the place where we are going to stay. Anything below knee length or even up to knee is fine but not shorter than that. So please don't pack those." I told her.

Even I don't want her to give up her comfort but we are traveling to a place with conservative people and there, people will already be judging my kids as characterless just because they are my kids. So I don't want anyone to take advantage of my daughter. There, if a girl wears a short dress, then men will think of it as a signal saying "Hey!!! here!!! see I'm a characterless girl!! so come and rape me !!" Ya, I know barbarians or cavemen. Not all are like that but I don't want to take any risk. Though I have faith in her, as she is new to that place, she might not be able to categorize the genuine and fake ones. So better be safe.

"Or maybe you can wear it when we are at your grandpa's place but not at my grandpa's place and that too only at home. Ok?" I told her as I don't want her to feel sad. "Ok, Mumma."

"Mommy, can I take Simba with us? And this spiderman too?" Jeff asked about his Lion king and spiderman toys. "No baby this Simba wouldn't fit in our bag and we have already packed 4 different types of spiderman! please don't take anymore baby and we'll have some other games to play over there. I have even packed playdough. So let us keep it back." Thankfully he reluctantly agreed to my suggestion.

"I want Masha and this ball Mommy?" It was Jo's turn now. "No baby grandpa will get you a new ball and Masha also wouldn't fit in the bag. We have packed other toys. So please keep it back dear" She wanted to argue but the bargain of a new ball seemed to be pleasing so she gave up.

"And Jaiky you are not going to put those skating shoes. I know Sachin Uncle had promised to take you skating but it is his wedding baby and he won't have time for that. So please baby let us be understanding. If you bring those shoes, then he would feel bad that he couldn't keep his promise. Now, we don't want that right?" I feel bad for emotionally blackmailing him but I don't have a choice. We have been arguing about this for the past three days. Somehow I managed to convince him. Thank God!

"Now Jaidy, you will have to select from those books, I know you read a lot darling, but you cannot take all those books, if you want, I will buy you books from there. Please baby it weighs a lot. And why do you need this guitar? I don't even remember when was the last time you played it. Why don't you keep it back? And if you need one, I will try to arrange something from there. Wouldn't that be better?" I asked hoping he would accept the negotiation like others.

"No Mumma, I need the guitar I have promised grandma that I'll play it for her. So I want that and books I will remove these three. But I want the rest" Jaidy put forth his demands.

"Ok. Though you can play it for her when she comes here, since you badly want it I will agree. But if it gets damaged, it will be fixed only after we come back and you wouldn't argue about that when we are there. Will you promise that?" He nodded "Also regarding the books, if your luggage weighs more, then I'm not going to pay for the extra weight and they will remove those books. If you are ok with that you can have those books". I know he loves his books and he doesn't want to lose them at any cost. So he took back 3 more books. Thank God!

I know Jaidy is worried that he will be bored over there. I just hope he would get at least one friend.

Finally packing is Done!! or I believe So!!!

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