Superior | Part 4 (💦)

Start bij het begin

He grabbed both of your arms, and made it wrap around his neck, pulling you closer. Your body pressing against him, and eyes never losing contact. Both were sharing the warmth in between, igniting the moment. You had no idea what he was gonna do next.

"You really.. want to help me?" He puts up a concerned face, eyebrows furrowed. You smiled and nodded, in response. "Yes, I want to Tony. Always."

For minutes, you kept staring at each other, as both started to close the gap in between your lips. He pulled you even closer, but your lips brushed against his, teasing you. You whined for the kiss you needed, but he just moved to your neck, and sucked on your spot. Gasping in pleasure, you ran your fingers on Tony's hair, feeling his gentle kiss on your skin. He even bit, leaving red marks.

You moaned his name, and he kept going. Everything was coming clear and perfectly.

"You don't hate me, either?" His voice cracked.

"I don't hate you, Tony. I just want the best of you." You replied, smiling back. ".. I love you, Tony."

It made him shocked. Never once in his life, someone had said it true. Finally, there was someone who was there for him, realising he wasn't alone. The years of pain, which just shattered him, were now going to end.

Because now you were in his life.

Showing the softer side of Tony Stark, tears started falling down his cheeks, breaking your heart. He even sobbed, but glad inside.

"Aww, Tony don't cry. I'm here, okay?" You hugged him, as he buries his face on your shirt, soaking the tears in the fabric. He even cried a bit loud, taking out all the hurt he caged in him.

"There there, cry all you want. You faced a lot Tony, so just relax now."

He looked up at you with teary eyes, sniffing. "I never thought someone I will kidnap will actually understand me. I thought you'll escape and leave me forever."

"I'll never, even leave you Tony. I want to help you. I want to stay with you. I'll assist you to become a better person. A true hero."

For once his lifetime, he never cried this much. Poor him, now it was the chance to take it all out. Still resting his head on your chest, and you rubbing his hair to relax him.

"Thank you.. I'll never forget you, for what you did." He wept.

"Best mistake ever for kidnapping me, hm Stark?" You smirked.

"Oh yeah, the best one." He wiped off his tears.

"So, what now? Are you going to punish me now or.."

"No, since, you helped me change to a person I should really have become, you're now free from your pet job, as a gift. Congrats." He pulled off the collar from your neck, the skin gets normal after the restraints. Throwing it away, and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Now I want you to say it."

"Say what, Tony?"

"Something you always wanted to tell me about."

You shake your head at his sentence, smiling. "I love you, Tony."

He gasped. "Oh yeah? You do?"

"Yeah, why not? You're pretty, cute, hot and-"

"And what?" He darkened his eyes.

"And uhm.. uh.. there's too much to say and it's endless, haha."

He chuckled. "Alright, do you want to make dinner with me? It'll be your favorite food, by the way. Also for bedtime, be waiting for a surprise." He winked, making your cheeks go red from blushing.

"Ohh, like a candle-light make up love session, Mr. Stark?" You raised your eyebrow.

"Of course, for my Queen~" He kissed your forehead, and then your lips, giggling and laughing, knowing that you both were finally together.

- Time Skip -

Everything was changed. The Avengers made amends with Stark again, totally changed and gave up his villainous activities for the world. He also thanked you for changing his bad habits, for the reason now Tony became "Iron Man", leaving the superior.

The Stark Industries also came under the control of you and Tony, both handling the company and it went so well. From the years of being together, both of you then got engaged, and married, having a sweet, little daughter named Morgan Stark.

You held little Morgan in your arms, while reciting the whole story about her dad's life.

"So this is how you and daddy met?" Morgan asked, in her baby voice.

"Yes, honey. I helped your dad to become the person he was, even though no one had the power to do that."

"He's not even a villain, mommy. He's a super dad! I love him 3000!"

"Oh really? And what about me?" You smiled.

"600-900." She pouted, folding her arms.

"Aww, you love daddy so much do you? Don't worry, as long you love your dad, I'm enough." You then see Tony, leaned on the doorway, smiling at both. Giving him a wink, he gave a flying kiss back at you.

The villain wasn't a villain anymore.
It's now a hero of million hearts.

The end.

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