It's A Wonderful Afterlife: Chapter 7- Tunnels

Start from the beginning

I was not 'fine' these tunnels reminded me way too much of my war days. Constantly trekking through darkness and not knowing when a 'Jap' was going to spring on you. They were very clever for the soldiers they were, building tunnels to escape airstrikes at Hacksaw Ridge. Seeing that battlefield the way it was I do not know how I survived that if it weren't for that medic I would not be...have lived what life I had left.

The corridor of bleak darkness came to a corner and I continued to follow Molly.
"So you're not going to tell me anything about this 'friend' of yours?" I asked with a slight protective tone. "Well...there is no need to be concerned she will be more than happy to assist you."
"Okay 'she' that narrows only that for me. Anything else I should know? I mean if you are from Heaven to help me in a future dystopia of Hell how do YOU have a friend down here?"

Molly whipped around to me and was very close to my face "Look Niss I am your guardian angel ok. You are not meant to be here! I do not know how or why you are but out of all down here only you and she can see me..." she softened her defensive expression and saddened a little. "You know...Heaven ain't what it's cracked up to be...' she hugged herself solemnly. "Same system, Big-headed honcho in charge just all goodie two shoe rules instead of murdering Sally who claims she did NOT take your nail polish without asking but...still." she folded her arms more tightly. "I was always the forgotten one know...because I'm 'Daddy's little girl I was not able to take part in the family business." Molly slowly sank to the floor and sat against the wall. I joined her just listening to what she had to say. The floor was damp but where Molly sat it was warm and cosy. I shuffled a little closer being the big brother and all I let her know I was there and listening.
"If Daddy let me be a part of it...I would not have died the way I did and he would not have hidden me away down here. I wouldn't be away from you or were my only family other than Ma..." Molly rested her cheek on my shoulder. Despite the decades, circumstances and her new bodily form she was still my little sister....who needed her big brother.

"Ma...says hi by the way..." I froze and felt a wave of emotion fill me but I dare not express it just a shaken exhale. "...she knew I was gonna see ya. You...have her boldness and compassion Niss." Molly wrapped her arms around me as I returned the hug. "Mols you were a lot like Ma more than any of us. Well...Anthony more so than all of us together" I gave a light chuckle. "Wow...I haven't thought about her in a long you remember the time we got in trouble for trying to bake that cake?"
"It was you who got in trouble Niss" she gave a cheeky smirk recalling the memory. "Even as a teen you were just as stubborn about your height and climbed to the top of the cabinets just to get the flour and..." she started to laugh as it got more vivid "...then it toppled over you and the entire kitchen. Angie and I were in hysterics trying to bake or start to be so funny!"
I started to laugh too, remembering the childhood memories. "Yeah and Ma was not as mad that day. She showed me how to bake with you both...god that was an ugly but good cake!"
Embracing Molly again before she let go and I stood back up on my feet. "By the way Molly you were never forgotten...just lost. The minute I got here in Pentagram City I wanted to find you...but I found Anthony first. T-that encounter but for another time. Let's go to this friend and get you back to the pearly gates."

I walked and Molly escorted me down the tunnel before taking another turn "They're gold by the way.." I looked at Molly puzzled by the statement. "Heaven's gates, they're gold. They did some renovating a few millennia ago so they used to be pearly. The gold is a bit tacky for my liking." I blinked at Molly's disbelief she corrected me on something I have not even seen. 'Well it's just a saying Molly...but good to know. Doubt I'll see them..."
Once again that dreaded silence cloaked us and at the end of this corridor, there was a flickering of light under a door.

As we approached the door the smell of smouldering metal and cauterised circuits was very noticeable.
"Ok we are I warn you she is very...solitary and is not use to 'new faces' but maybe you have met already...wait here." Before I could protest Molly has phased through what looked like a big metal door. What felt like the longest five minutes I felt the darkness creeping up behind me and the tapping of more rats running around behind me making my skin crawl. Hurry up, Molly!

Suddenly there was a loud crash of something being thrown and another female voice yelling.

"¡¿Que estabas pensando?!"

"Look I am sorry but this is what I have to do! To get my wings! You of all people should know this!? Please help me! He's my big brother!"

There was a reluctant sigh before the closing in the sound of boots came towards the door. The metal door squeaked ominously down the black hallway and a figure in a welders mask answered the door.  The brightness regardless of how dim was bright enough after being in the dark for so long. I looked up at this mysterious figure presumably Molly's 'friend'.
The voice though apprehended by the mask spoke "¡Vamos! ¡Adentro!" the person waved me in so I hastened inside to this...workshop.
The place was a mess of circuit boards, dead drones and what looked like some sort of armour.
"I take it you are my little sister's friend. Is she your 'guardian angel' too?".
As I asked the door was bolted and the shunt of the bolts going into the wall was loud enough in this workshop. "Sorry...I do not speak Spanish...but then again neither does Mols?" I looked at this 'friend' and they approached me.

The female wore work boots, half thrown on dungarees and gloves too big for her dainty hands. As she took off the mask I was surprised to see who it was, despite their hair being chopped to a bob I knew who it was.

I've met them a couple of times at the Happy Hotel...she was the manager.

Vaggie that's her name.

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