26 - Expanding The Party

Start from the beginning

"Oh, and I was wondering...what's a harem?" Asked Angela, looking towards us confused.

"..." Both of us stayed silent.

I glanced towards Anna. You tell her.

'You tell her. Your the center after all.' Anna's eyes told me.

I sighed. "It's an anime trope where many women love one man. Similarity, a reverse harem is when many men love one woman."

"Oh..." Angela replied. "What's anime?"

I felt as if I had just been stabbed. I sunk to my knees, clutching my heart.

She didn't know anime!

Anna and I shared a look.

We are definitely showing her anime later.

A growl reached my ears, before I heard a thud behind me. Turning around, I noticed a Werebeast had tried to sneak up on us before tripping on Anna's web and falling.

Anna casually walked over, stomping the Corrupted's head and breaking its neck. She then casually walked back to us, acting as if nothing had happened.


"Anyways, check out the screen." I suggested.

"Okay." Angela nodded, finally looking back towards the screen in her vision. She clicked the screen, accepting the invite.

"A class?" Asked Angela.

"Choose which one you think fits you the most." I explained.

"Okay." Nodded Angela. She scrolled through the options, before finally choosing one. I maneuvered over to [Party], seeing what she chose.


1. Jackson Walker - Level 3 - Leader

2. Annabeth Webb - Level 2 - Trapper

3. Angela Ignis - Level 4 - Warrior

"The Angels are a proud warrior race." Angela proudly explained. "Except for those coward elders..." she replied, growling.

I would punch those elders in the face if I could.

Suddenly my right arm was engulfed in a furious pain. Clutching it, I leaned against the cave wall. I grit my teeth, not letting any sounds through.

"Jack?! Are you alright?!" The two girls cried out.

"I'm fine..." I barely said. "It'll go away in a second."

Not long after, the pain finally died down. Breathing a sigh of relief, I shakily stood up without the support of the wall.

"What happened?" Anna worriedly asked.

"My arm doesn't exactly agree with my Angel side..." I answered.

"How...how are you a Nephilim?" Angela asked, once more reminded of my confusing situation. I noticed that her voice was wavering for some reason.

"I don't know..." I replied. I moved my hand over the white feathery wing on my back. Moving it upwards, I touched the glowing halo above my head.

It's so strange, yet free. It doesn't feel odd at all. It's like I've been using it my whole life.

Angela then suddenly hugged me, crying into my shirt.

What's wrong?!

"I'm...so glad...I'm not...alone..." Angela gasped in between sobs.

Oh, I see.

Being the only one left...

"You're not alone anymore." I softly said, hugging her back.

Angela just continued to cry into my shirt.

Another thud altered my attention, as another Werebeast had tripped on the web traps that Anna had set up.

"Those are really useful..." I sweatdropped as Anna walked over and quickly killed the Corrupted.

"You know it." Grinned Anna. "How much longer do we have?"

"Sally?" I asked.

"You have approximately 10 minutes left." Sally answered.

Angela jumped. "Who was that?!" She yelled, swinging her head around. I held in a chuckle that was bubbling in my throat.

"That's Sally, the AI of my System." I informed.

"What's an AI?" Angela asked.

"You know what, she's a woman in my head." I sighed.

"I see!" Responded Angela.

"We on out have ten more minutes, and then we're out. Thank god..." I muttered.

Suddenly the cave started to rumble.

Anna slowly turned to look at me. "You just had to jinx it, didn't you?"

Suddenly one of the entrances to the cave blew up, sending a cloud of dust. I clouded my vision and entered my lungs. Coughing, I kicked it out of my body.

As the dust died down, a new Corrupted sat across from us in the cave. It wasn't a Werebeast, but one of those worm corrupted.

It was just sitting there...ominously...

"A Dustworm?!" Gasped Anna.

"I've killed one of these before." I stated, summoning my [Chains of Holy Fire]. "We got this."

"You've killed one before?!" Anna looked at me in horror. "You could have died!"

I've fought a dragon and an incubus, I don't think this is what you should be worried about...

"Take this!" Yelled Angela, suddenly rushing at the worm.

Her fist was coated in holy fire as she rushed the Dustworm. Sending her first straight towards it, she connected.

It howled in pain. Diving into the ground, it moved under us. We all huddled by each other, waiting for it to appear again.

After a couple of seconds it finally burst out of the ground in front of us, spraying dust upwards. Quickly throwing my chain, I wrapped it around the body of the Dustworm.

Lighting the chain on fire, the Dustworm howled in pain and tried to shake the chain off. I stayed rooted in place, struggling to hold the Dustworm.

I get Anna grab onto me, and I suddenly felt a lot more stable than before. She's really strong...

While the Dustworm was stuck, Angela released her wings and hall, flying upwards towards the mouth of the Dustworm.

Thrusting her fists forwards, a giant blast of fire erupted into the Dustworm's mouth. It screamed in agony as it faded to dust.

...that was really brutal...

Suddenly a screen popped in front of me.

[Mission] - Survive in the Hollow for one hour.

[Bonus] - Gain 2 party members.


"We survived." I smiled, claiming the mission.

"Awesome!" Anna cheered.

"I want out of here." Angela commented.

Nodding, I directed my hand towards one of the cave walls.

"[Hollow Wanderer]." I muttered, thinking of the church.

The glowing purple portal appeared on the wall.

"Let's get out of here."

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