Chapter 28: There is No Escape

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Wednesday, December 5, 1984
Norwood's National Laboratories

Third Person's POV
Jesper and LeAnna appeared in the room they saw on the television. The light coming in through the window on the door was very dim, but they could still see what and where everything was with such a dim light. They saw the large hole disguised as a large mirror on the floor, with crumbled pieces of pavement around it. A large water tank was behind it.

Jesper had honestly felt bewildered. He looked at LeAnna, who felt the same way he did. But he felt anxious when seeing the tank.

"You all right...?" she asked him.

He could see out of the window that was on the door, seeing the familiar hallway just on the other side. He hesitantly nodded his head in response to LeAnna's question.

He wondered how they were supposed to get to the other side of the mirror, but then LeAnna poked her foot through the mirror, then simply jumped through it, in a sort of impulsive way. Jesper just blinked in confusion, then stepped through the mirror.

On the other side, he saw a small shed, covered with vines and dark slime. Gravity seemed to have shifted sideways, because when he walked through the mirror, he noticed it was on a wall instead of a floor or ceiling.

LeAnna handed him a flashlight. She appeared calm, but she was feeling very paranoid. She had brought a gun just in case there was something out there.

She switched on her own flashlight, and pointed it around the shed until she found the door, then she walked over to it and opened it, only to reveal a small field. And at the edge of the field was a dark forest, with trees that had no leaves on them. The sky was cloudy, but a dingy purple light was shining through the clouds. There were small, bloody, human body parts scattered across the field, along with a few lit up lampposts.

Jesper looked up at LeAnna, feeling very uneasy.

Cabin, Bluebell Forest

Naomi pulled the car up to the cabin. "Is this it?"

  "Do you see any other place here? Um, no," remarked Alio, sitting in the passenger's seat. "I still can't believe you almost hit a deer."

Norman just shook his head. "I feel sorry for that deer, but at the same time I'm glad Alio wasn't driving."

     "I didn't mean to almost hit it. But Norman has a point, if Alio drove, he would've hit the deer," Naomi said.

     "Not on purpose," Alio said as self defense before he opened the car door and stepped out of the car.

When everyone was out of the car, they walked over to the cabin and unlocked the front door with the key LeAnna gave them. Naomi opened the door and stepped in, followed by Alio, Anne, Norman, Rei, and Zero.

     "Whoa... It's actually pretty nice," Norman said.

Norman led Rei to the couch so she could have somewhere to sit, then she sat next to her. Zero was slowly exploring the place.

"Hey, here are the bandages Jesper used to hide his tattoo," said Alio, standing at the bathroom sink. "Man, Klaus is gonna lose his shit when he finds out Jesper and Zero have superpowers."

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