Chapter 6: The One With Superpowers

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Tuesday, November 27, 1984
Eastwood Way (Street)

Third Person's POV
Norman, Jesper, Alio, and Anne were biking to Anne's house from the park. Rei was holding onto Jesper as she sat behind him.

They were peddling in the middle of the road, only because there's only four houses that one would pass by if you were driving down this road. The kids didn't have to worry about many cars coming by.

"You guys' moms asked me questions, too, asking stuff like, 'do you think he's the type to run away?', 'when did you last see him?', 'if he did run away, would you know why?', y'know, the typical stuff that gets asked on TV," said Alio, peddling next to Norman.

"Klaus wouldn't run away. I mean, even if he did, you'd think he'd at least tell us why, right?" Anne asked, peddling behind Alio and Norman, and ahead of Jesper with Rei.

Norman nodded his head. "He would trust us enough to tell us when and why he'd run away, and he'd take his walkie to stay in contact with us, I think. But everything was completely fine at his house the last time Rei and I went there. But the walkie talkie thing is one of the reasons why I don't think he ran away."

Then Rei begins saying, "Wait, you don't think he was..."

Jesper grew a worried expression, not wanting to assume what happened to their friend.

When Anne spotted something on a power line pole, she instantly took her feet off the bike peddles, dragging the bottom of her shoes on the concrete so the bike would stop.

Alio, Jesper, and Norman stopped peddling when they heard her shoes dragging along the concrete. Anne hopped off her bike, letting it fall to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Norman asked as Anne walked over to the power line pole.

When Alio, Norman, and Jesper spotted what Anne had noticed, they got off their bikes, too, and Rei got off of Jesper's bike and held onto the sleeve of his shirt so she wouldn't bump into anyone and she'd know where everyone was going.

Alio, Norman, Jesper, and Rei approached Anne, all of them (other than Rei) looking at the Missing flier that was stapled onto the power line pole.

Klaus Blythe, Age 14, 5'6", 107lbs
Curly brown hair, vitiligo (patches of light skin), dark blue eyes.
Possibly Wearing: jeans, white T-shirt, grey Down Vest.
Last Seen: Sunday, November 25
Any information please call Joanne Blythe.

There was a picture of Klaus above the description of his information; he was smiling. All of their hearts sunk into their chests, fearing the worst had happened to their friend. Norman wanted to cry, but tried to hold it in while in front of his friends. Anne couldn't help herself — tears began to fall from her eyes.

The Stine Household

Anne opened the door to her bedroom, seeing Zero sitting on a soft beanbag chair in the corner of Anne's room; she was wrapped up in a soft purple blanket and was holding onto a DC Wonder Woman comic, trying to read it. She was having trouble understanding the words, due to the fact that she doesn't know how to read, so she was mostly admiring the art.

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