Chapter 2: His Awakening

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Sunday, November 25, 1984
Norwood's National Laboratories

Third Person's POV
Zero was sitting on her bed. She was holding into Miyo while Dr. Rallane sat next to her.

      "Zero?" he asked, handing her a cup of water.

He showed her a picture of a woman. Zero didn't recognize the woman in the photo.

      "This woman... I need you to find her."

Zero only stared at the picture, not knowing what to think about the woman in the photo. She had no opinion of her, but she felt like this was one of those lessons...

      "...Hurt her?" she softly muttered.

Dr. Rallane instantly shook his head. "No, no, no, no. I don't want you to hurt her. If anything, protect her if she's in trouble. If she isn't, then I want you to listen to what she says. Repeat her words back to me."

Zero looks at him, then noticed Liam in the mirror behind him. He looked very confused, with no idea what was going on.

      "Zero, are you listening?" she heard Dr. Rallane ask.

Liam shook his head at her. "Don't look for this woman," he tells her. "She's only going to hurt you."

Zero thought: But I have to... Papa said-

      "Zero, do you think you can do that for me?" Dr. Rallane kindly asked her.

She looks at him and says, "...Liam says no."

Rallane felt more intrigued rather than threatened. "And why is that?"

      "She'll hurt me."

He looked at the photo and responded, "The woman can't hurt you in there."

     Papa is right, Zero thought. No one has ever hurt me. They can't even see me. ...Liam doesn't want me to, but I'll do what Papa says.


Each of the scientists each stood around the room where a very large water tank was; a sensory deprivation tank. Zero was floating around in the tank.

She's always hated the experiments, but she can't understand that she's being put in situations no child should ever be in. She can't understand that she's being experimented on, but she can understand that she is being hurt. Due to the experiments, she's only truly comfortable around four people in her life now: Dr. Rallane, Dr. Ives, patient named Yuda, and Liam.

As of now, her eyes are closed, her mind is concentrating. The pulse recorder shows that her pulse is normal as it beeps at a regular pace.

The Void

In the void, Zero was hearing nothing but the echos of the woman hyperventilating and sobbing. The woman was muttering out words, but Zero could only understand a few, such as: "Close Reflections...", "Let me out."

But Zero didn't understand enough to repeat back to Rallane. The woman was speaking too softly and quietly, seeming rather unstable.

Norwood's National Laboratories

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