Chapter 17: Don't Say I Didn't Warn You

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Monday, December 3, 1984
Melbreck Forest

Third Person's POV
Alio, Anne, Jesper, Norman, Rei, and Zero were strolling past the trees, far from any paths. Alio, Anne, Jesper, and Norman were holding flashlights. Zero didn't seem to need one.

     "Klaus!" Norman yelled, pointing his flashlight in all directions ahead of him.

Alio then yells, as well, "Klaus!!"

Zero was getting distracted, proceeding to repeatedly exhale to see her breath in the cold air.

     "Klaus, where are you?!" Rei yelled out, holding onto Anne's sleeve.

Anne quietly whispered to herself, "Please, be safe, please, be safe..."

Norman had heard her, and he looked over at her. "Don't worry, Anne. We'll find him, even if it takes all night."

Anne looked over at him and nodded her head, understanding.

Norman had seemed confident that they'd find Klaus, but really he was worried sick, thinking, Please, be out there... Please, be okay... Please.

Walking next to Zero, Jesper looked at her. "Are we close?"

Zero stopped walking and closed her eyes, beginning to focus on getting to the void. In the void, she saw Klaus hiding behind a shed surrounded by dead trees. Then she opened her eyes and looked back at Jesper.

     "Yes," she whisper-spoke.

She caught up to the others, following Jesper.

Cabin, Bluebell Forest

LeAnna was sitting on the sofa, watching Little House on the Prairie on television.

The volume on the television wasn't so loud, and only a single lamp was on.

Outdoors, men in suits were approaching the cabin, walking very quietly. Only a few were holding flashlights, while others had weapons, such as guns.

One of the doctors, Dr. Ives, was walking next to Dr. Rallane. Ives was holding a tracker device, which was beeping.

     "She's not here," said Ives, looking at the tracker. "Neither of them are."

"Then, keep moving," Rallane said, walking away from the other doctor.

Dr. Ives glanced at the tracker before following Dr. Rallane. Hesitantly, Ives says, "Sir, I don't mean to pressure you, there's a better chance you will find her if you tried using-"

     "No. I will not. Not during this time, at least."

Melbreck Forest

     "Klaus?! Klaus! C'mon, where are you?!" Alio yelled, walking next to Norman who was also yelling for Klaus.

There was a moment of silence for a few seconds. Within those few seconds, Zero noticed snow falling. Zero didn't have a coat on, but was wearing a sweater. She felt cold, but she liked the cold, even if it would get her sick.

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