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Pietro was putting the finishing touches on part of the Amity Communications Tower when he received communication from Penny.

Penny: Dad?

Pietro: Penny?

Penny was sitting in front of a bomb inside the Schnee Dust mine. Maira was behind her and played with a dust crystal out boredom.

Penny: This does not seem like a very good idea.

She looked down at the bomb, and her sensors told her that it was a danger.

Pietro: There is a difference between a good idea and our best idea. Sadly, we don't have time for much else.

Penny touched the bomb's interface, arming it. Meanwhile, Pietro rided the elevating center floor of the Amity Colosseum downward.

Pietro: We have enough systems up and running to broadcast our message and keep Amity in atmospheric orbit. But our thrusters just aren't capable of reaching our target altitude on their own.

On the lowest level of the colosseum's arena, Maria was piloting a mech and using it to carry a large machine.

Maria: Ha, fortunately, we're sitting on a couple hundred tons of thrust.

Maria walked the mech to the center of the platform and put the machine down.

Pietro: Once we passed into broadcast range, we'll activate stabilizers, re-establish global communications, and boost the message we've recorded out into the rest of the world. After that, we just have to pilot Amity away from all this mess.

Penny armed another bomb in the mines and flew up to a tunnel where yet another bomb was sitting.

Penny: But what if no one is able to come and help Atlas? If I stay behind, I could maybe--

Pietro: Penny, we are not having this conversation again. I'm your father and I'm telling you that you belong on Amity.

Pietro and Maria were riding the platform back up.

Penny: *disappointed* Yes, sir.

Maria: Don't you think Penny has had enough people telling her what to do?

Pietro: *sighs* Prepare for launch, please. I'm moving us into position.

Penny and Maira flew out of the Dust mine and up to Amity Tower. Once they arrives (and Maira turned back), they sat on the edge of the platform, while Pietro worked on a computer projected by the machine that Maria placed. Maira was watching behind them.

Pietro: All systems are ready. Penny?

Penny looked at him and then got up and walked over.

Pietro: Amity is requesting launch access... now.

Penny looked at the screen, which said "Connecting..." She looked down, waiting. Pietro and Maria looked at Penny, and after a few moments, her eyes glowed slightly. The tower's stabilizers activated, glowing purple, and Pietro and Maria celebrated. Maira clapped behind them for a bit.

Pietro: Oh yes, it worked!

Penny smiled, but then lowered her head. Pietro placed his hand on her arm to comfort her, and she looked at him and smiled. He then began typing on the computer again.

Pietro: Oh, I didn't have time to install seat belts, so I'd advise you to hang on.

Pietro tapped a button on his walking chair, and parts of the chair's legs began glowing purple. Maria laughed and walked away. The bombs in the Dust mine began counting down from thirty seconds, and Penny began helping Maria get back inside the mech. The two were soon distracted by a loud thud, followed by a fireball flying up through the air. Penny flew over to the edge of the platform and looked down to see a huge hole where the fireball melted through from outside the colosseum. 

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