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Sounds of things going up pneumatic tubes were heard clanging, until it stopped. Ruby was heard breathing heavily, before gasping for breath. She was helped out of the tube by May and Penny. Weiss could be seen angrily pulling Nora by her ear, while Maira watched with crossed arms.

Nora: Ow, ow, ow! C'mon that was a once in a lifetime experience!

Weiss let Nora go. Nora's right ear turned red.

Nora: Ow.

Maira: You deserved that somehow.

Blake could be heard stepping out of another tube, her hair messy from the unorthadox method of travel.

Blake: Good. Because I never wanna do that again.

Blake fixed her unkempt hair. The group proceeded forward.

May: Alright robo-girl, you're up. Which way?

Penny: *points in various directions* We'll cross the bridge, then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left.

Everyone looked stunned at Penny's direction.

Penny: And my name... is Penny.

Ruby crossed her arms and smied slyly at May.

Ruby: Heh.

May: Tsk...

May activated her Semblance, hiding everyone from view. They were later seen in an elevator. They heard the elevator door open, and backed away cautiously when they saw a pair of Atlas Soldiers enter. The soldiers were oblivious to the group's presence due to May's Semblance.

Soldier 1: I don't think even the squad captain knows what's going on up there. They can't get close to that storm without getting shocked right out of the air.

Soldier 2: It's creepy, all those Grimm just... waiting. Worse than if they'd attacked--

Soldier 1: Hey, don't say that! You'll jinx us.

Penny motioned for the group to follow her, and they discreetly squeezed past the soldiers, headed for the elevator door.

Soldier 2: I just hope the C.O. can get us some answers soon, or-

On the way out, Nora flashed a mischievous grin and swiped her hand over the elevator controls, tapping the button for every floor. The pair of soldiers were now alone in the elevator. Soldier 1 glanced at the elevator controls, then did a double take.

Soldier 1: Huh?

The doors to the elevator closed again. The group made its way down a wide corridor to a large locked door with "03" in large print on it. Penny stopped by a nearby control panel and extended her index finger. The tip swiveld out to reveal a connector plug, and Ruby's eyes grew wide.

Ruby: Cool.

Penny interfaced with the control panel, and the attached handprint scanner flashed green. A hologram display popped up, showing Dr. Pietro Polendina's credentials.

Computer: Welcome back, Doctor Polendina.

The door slided open with a whoosh, and the group stepped through.

May: Alright, where to next, Penny?

Penny: Right through central command!

A door to the right opened to reveal a bustling workplace filled with digital workstations, holographic maps, and Atlesian officials and clerks.

A new dawn in Remnant: Volume 8Where stories live. Discover now