F O R T Y - O N E

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"Lee Min-jun," Yoongi repeated to himself, his eyes steeling and lips curling into a prominent frown. "Such a pretty name for such a fucked-up boy."

Taehyung laughed, "That's what Jungkook said." He stared at the biker poster in the corner of the dark studio, his thoughts still unable to process that the racer was Yoongi, despite the obvious similarities.

"That just proves it's true," Jungkook muttered, his voice wispy and slightly groggy.

The four men had stayed up, telling each other about Taehyung's day at work, the memories he got back, Yoongi's lyrics, and the blonde's re-sparked passion for writing music. Hoseok had almost leaped to his feet when Yoongi told him he was planning to write again, especially because the chestnut-eyed boy had been left breathless by his hyung's writing.

The men were laying on their backs, barely keeping their sleep eyes open as they continued to mumble tired words to each other.

"I was thinking," Hoseok muttered, "you should quit your job, Hyung."

The other three whipped their heads to Hoseok's voice, a new sense of energy coursing through them like they had suddenly chugged a coffee. "What the fuck?" Yoongi mumbled.

Hosoek shifted, facing the yawning blonde. "You should focus on writing the music. Taehyung's working now, too, so we'll be fine. I think it'll be good for you to... focus on what you love, Hyung."

"I'm not quitting my job, Hoseok. And how can you ask that of Tae—"

"He's right, though, Hyung," Taehyung interrupted. "I got a job so that I could help out here. Your songs are more than good enough to be sold. But you don't have to worry about trying to make money right now; Hyung and I will take care of that."


"I'm gonna start racing again," Jungkook blurted.

This time, the three men looked to Jungkook with eyes larger than a surprised deer's. "Kook," Hoseok started.

"I saw Sungho today," the ravenette admitted, turning his head to look at Taehyung's heavy, gray eyes. "That's why I told you to get behind me earlier. I didn't want that bastard to see you."

Sungho. Yoon Sungho. Junghoon's murderer, the brunette's thoughts whispered. No wonder Jungkook lost his cool.

Jungkook stared back up at the ceiling. "You were right, Tae. I've been so caught up trying to track him down that I forgot where to find him. Racing was were it began, and racing is where I'll end it," he muttered, mostly to himself.

Taehyung furrowed his brows, What am I right about? Where can he find Sungho? What began with racing?

"And just when I thought you were gonna give it up," Yoongi sighed, disappointment dripping from his words.

"I'm never gonna give it up, Hyung. He fucking killed Junghoon right in front of me. And for what? Because I destroyed his fucking drug business," Jungkook's voice was cold enough to rival the Arctic's blizzard.

I remember Kook saying he destroyed Sungho. He destroyed Sungho's drug business? What is a drug business? Taehyung's eyes glared, What kind of bastard kills someone because their business was ruined? Wouldn't you just build it again?

"Jungkook," Yoongi's voice was sharp and threatening like a dagger pointed at someone's chin.

The ravenette ignored the older. "It's because of him that we're like this in the first place," Jungkook snarled.

He looked right into Taehyung's eyes, determination yet flecks of fear painting his face. Taehyung didn't break Jungkook's steely gaze.

"Sungho used to be the boss of a drug business. He was also a car racer just like me, but he wasn't very competitive, so he earned his money from the drugs," Jungkook explained.

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