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This chapter is going to be written slightly different than the previous ones. I'm going to be giving a little more perspective into Jungkook. It'll be pretty short, and there won't be as much insight as Taehyung, but hopefully you can understand Kookie (it's important for the future ;)) 


Oh why, why, why did I ever listen to Jungkook? Taehyung mentally scolded himself. 

The two younger boys somehow managed to slip out a window after leaving a crinkled note for their hyungs: 'We'll be back soon. Don't worry about us ;)' 

Taehyung wasn't wearing anything but a light, grayish-blue t-shirt and black shorts, but the weather outside was anything from gentle. The night was inky, no traces of light except for the flickering lamp post brooding on the side of the street. The air howled in the brunette' ears like a pack of hungry wolves, making the boy shiver at the blistering cold.

His teeth chattered softly, and he lightly smacked Jungkook's arm. The ravenette's pearly smile was probably the brightest thing outside, but Taehyung was too cold and pissed to care. 

"Are y-you gonna t-tell me w-what w-we're doing?" Taehyung trembled. 

Jungkook glanced at the brunette, his milky features softening when he realized Taehyung was cold. "Nope, you'll see when we get there," he responded with a grin.

Taehyung grumbled, "I'm so f-fucking cold."

"Can't change the weather for you, darling," Jungkook snickered.

"Do you t-think this is a j-joke? If I d-die, I'm g-gonna h-haunt you for t-the rest of y-your life. B-bastard," Taehyung scolded. He wrapped his goosebump-decorated arms around himself, trying desperately to secure some kind of heat, even as his legs wobbled.

The air growled in response, as if it was defending Jungkook. Taehyung growled back into the night. 

Jungkook wrapped an arm around Taehyung's shoulders, pulling the brunette close to him. Taehyung's side was pressed into Jungkook's, whose body was surprisingly warm in the frigid weather. The brunette clasped Jungkook obsidian, long-sleeved shirt and held on tightly, involuntarily snuggling into his chiseled body.

It was a while until either of the boys spoke again; they simply enjoyed each other's presence, sharing their warmth. Finally, Jungkook whispered, "Stay here. I'll be right back."

Taehyung looked at him suspiciously, but he nodded. Jungkook grinned at the other's obedient response and removed his arms off Taehyung, stepping away and turning. 

The bitter breeze nipped at Taehyung's skin again, and the boy shivered, missing Jungkook's heat. He glanced sideways, noticing a dimly-lit cafe in a short distance. Did he go in the cafe? 

It was small—even smaller than the previous cafes Taehyung had been to. The outside was a deep, wooden-brown that glimmered a bronze in the places the flickering light touched. 

Taehyung narrowed his eyes, peering through the windows from a distance. A humble, golden glow danced through the cafe happily, and Taehyung spotted a young lady laughing as she cleaned the umber table with a rag. 

Glancing up, Taehyung looked at the vintage words that were artistically stuck to the top of the cafe. 'Bean Bucks' it read. A grin tickled Taehyung's lips, Ooh! I can read! The cafe's name is Bean Bucks. That's a cute name. He giggled until a nudge against his back made him jump.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked curiously. He was holding two cream-colored cups that were decorated with dark chocolate brown polka dots. A rosy-beige lid sat on top of both cups, and wisps of steam swirled through the narrow hole. 

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