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"Jungkookie!" was the last thing Taehyung heard before he scrambled backwards and banged his head against a wall. 

Fire shot through his fragile skull, and black spots danced in his vision. The action shouldn't have caused so much pain, but for someone whose mind was trying to piece itself back together, even the smallest whack was agonizing. 

When the brunette forced his eyelids open, he saw a man hugging Jungkook, whose head rested comfortably on the other's shoulder. The ravenette's lean, muscled arms were wrapped lovingly around the man's waist, and a fond smile snuggled his crimson lips. 

What the fuck? was the only thing that came to Taehyung's mind. His mind felt like it shattered and some random guy just barged in, hugging Jungkook far too tightly for Taehyung's liking. Who the fuck is this guy? Ugh, damn it, my head feel like shit. Was he the one who screamed?

"Jungkookie, I missed you so much! You don't even call or text me anymore. What happened to your phone?" the man's rough yet gentle voice echoed. 

Taehyung couldn't see the man's face, but he could see the back of his head, which was covered with maroon curls so dark they looked brown. 

"I missed you too, Yugs," Jungkook let out an airy laugh, patting the man's back. 

Taehyung frowned, but he kept his mouth shut. Who is this guy? Jungkook doesn't laugh like that with me or Hyungs. His chest clenched softly for some reason, but Taehyung was too invested in the other boys' conversation to notice.

The man pulled away slightly, his arms still around Jungkook. "Then you should've at least texted, dimwit. I'm gone for a year, and you completely forget about me. That hurts, Kook," the man sounded sad. 

Jungkook removed one hand from the man's waist and placed it on what must've been the red-head's cheek. The ravenette's eyes softened like pools of milk chocolate, and he whispered, "I'm really sorry. I didn't forget about you. I just... we haven't been doing great."

Something spiked in Taehyung's body. His stomach did somersaults, threatening to throw up Jungkook's Elvis sandwich, and his throat burned like acid. He... doesn't do that to... me, a quiet voice whimpered in the brunette's mind. 

What are you thinking, Taehyung? Get yourself together, Taehyung scolded himself, but the muffled voice didn't stop whimpering.

He doesn't look at me like that, though. This time the murmur in his head growled like a beast.

"What do you mean—" the man started.

"Pardon me," Taehyung's mouth blurted out. Taehyung wanted to slap himself; his mouth was at it again: saying stuff without thinking. 

The redhead spun on his heel, and Jungkook's gaze stopped on the brunette. 

Taehyung forced a smile to display on his plump lips as he made eye contact with the unknown man. 

He had piercing eyes as brown as a cappuccino, and fair skin that complemented the dark russet bangs that framed his sharp features. His lips were pressed into a thin line, eyes narrowed and analyzing as if Taehyung was a deadly threat. 

"Hi, um... I'm sorry for inter—"

"Who the fuck are you?" The man interrupted coldly. His tone was polar opposite to how he'd spoken with Jungkook.

Taehyung blinked at the sharp question, but he recovered quickly. Taehyung's lips broke out into a beautiful boxy smile. He walked forward buoyantly, even though he felt the exact opposite. "I'm Kim Taehyung," he introduced, holding his hand out.

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