A Hospital Visit

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"But the match. What happened? Are we doing a replay?"

Ron rolled his eyes, whispering to Jamie; "sure he almost died, but all he's worried about is the bloody game."

Jamie ignored the comment.

"We didn't - lose?" Harry frowned.

Everyone swapped glances, as if trying to determine who was going to be the unlucky sap to tell Harry the bad news. George sighed. "Diggory got the snitch. Just after you fell. He didn't realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square. . . Even Wood admits it."

"Where is Wood?"

"Still in the showers. We think he's trying to drown himself." Fred joked. His attempt to make Harry laugh failed as Harry buried his face in his knees, his hands coming up to grip his hair. Fred pushed his way through the crowd and sat on the edge of Harry's bed, grabbing the boy's shoulder and shaking him gently. "C'mon, Harry, you've never missed the Snitch before."

"There had to be one time you didn't get it." George added, coming over to sit right behind his brother, offering a sympathetic smile.

Harry didn't seem convinced so Fred jumped into more rambles. "It's not over yet. We lost by a hundred points, right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin. . ."

"Hufflepuff'll have to lose by at least two hundred points." George said.

"But it they beat Ravenclaw. . ."

"No way. Ravenclaw is too good. But if Slytherin loses against Hufflepuff. . ."

"It all depends on the points - a margin of a hundred either way-"

Harry sat silently, listening to everyone else ramble on as they tried to rationalize their situation, Fred kept trying to drown out any of their doubts with his own voice, eyes glaring at anyone who said anything he thought might make Harry feel worse, George followed his lead except his glare was much worse and sent shivers down some spines.

Eventually Madam Pomfrey came by, telling the team they had to leave. Jamie tried to slip out with them, hiding behind Alicia's tall frame, but Ron was faster and gripped his sleeve, pulling him to a stop. "Harry'll want to see you." Was all he offered as explanation. With a sigh Jamie let himself be pulled back towards the bed.

"Dumbledore was really angry. I've never seen him like that before. He ran onto the field as you fell, waved his wand, and you sort of slowed down before you hit the ground. Then he whirled his wand at the dementors. Shot silver stuff at them. They left the stadium right away. . . He was furious they'd come onto the grounds. We heard him -"

"Then he magicked you onto a stretcher and walked up to the school with you floating on it. Everyone thought you were dead. It was bloody terrible. . . I, of course, knew you were fine. Hermione wouldn't listen though. . . She was scared to death—"

"So were you!" Hermione said sharply. "You almost fell onto the stadium it happened."

"I did no—"

"Guys!" Jamie hissed, gesturing to Harry who was not even listening. His eyes were clouded in thought as he stared at the white sheets. "Potter?" He asked. He didn't react. Moving closer, he rested a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Harry?"

Harry's emerald green eyes snapped up to meet Jamie's, then he turned to look at his other friends who were staring at him in concern.

"Did someone get my Nimbus?"

Ron and Hermione shared a look. Harry, confused, turned his gaze to Jamie. "I dunno. I wasn't there."

Harry turned back to the other two.

"Er." Ron stated awkwardly.


"Well. . . When you fell off, it got blown away." Hermione started.


"And it hit - it hit - oh, Harry - it hit the Whomping Willow."

"And?" He asked once again.

"Well, you know the Whomping Willow. It, well, it doesn't like being hit." Ron finished.

"Professor Flitwick brought it back just before you came around." Hermione said, reaching down to grab and bag. She poured the contents onto his bed, dozens of wood splintered chips covered the blanket.

Jamie winced at the wounded sound that escaped past Harry's trembling lips.

Madam Pomfrey had let the the three of them stay as long as they could. In that time Hermione kept trying to say things to make Harry feel better; Ron just tried to keep his mind off of the splintered broom; Jamie sat in one of the chairs at Harry's side, sitting silently, knowing he could not take away the boy's pain. But eventually Madam Pomfrey had to come by and shoo them away, saying curfew was drawing nearer and they better head on their way.

Jamie tried to leave but Harry's hand stopped him. He rose a brow at the boy, but Harry's attention was on Madam Pomfrey. "Can he stay for a couple more minutes? I have to ask him something." She seemed hesitant but after a couple more pleas she caved in. Hermione gave Harry a goodbye hug, promising she'll be back tomorrow morning, Ron nodded, saying he'll be in first thing. Then the two turned to Jamie, Hermione leaned forward, giving Jamie's hand a squeeze, and Ron merely patted him on the shoulder.

Jamie nodded at them.

They left and Jamie sat back down, giving the raven haired boy his full attention.

"There's something I haven't told anyone else." He started.

Jamie shifted uncomfortably. A pit forming in his stomach. "Are you sure you should be telling me and not Hermione and Ron?" They had been his friends longer, they love him full heartedly. It felt wrong to Jamie for Harry to confide in him and not the ones who had his back through thick and thin.

"I can't tell them. Ron will worry and Hermione won't believe me. . ." Harry trailed off. "Please, I need someone to tell."

Jamie hesitantly nodded. "But why me?"

"You said you could not take Divination because. . . You, supposedly, were the embodiment of the Grim? And you know how I had the Grim in my tea cup? I'm telling you because I know you'll understand." Jamie nodded. "I saw the Grim before I came to school. I ran away and was waiting for the bus, that's when I saw a large black dog in the shadows. . It was watching me, seconds later I was almost ran over by the Knight Bus. Now, just seconds before I fell, I saw it again. That same big black dog. Every time I'm almost killed, I see that dog. Is it haunting me? Will I see it until I finally die?"

Jamie leaned forward, staring into Harry's glassy green eyes. Without hesitation he took the boy's hand and laced their fingers together, giving the boy a reassuring squeeze. "Pott-Harry." He corrected. "I believe you saw something. But it was not the Grim. There is no such thing. If it really was the Grim, if it was real, you would already be gone. I promise you, you will be fine. . . Bad things happen to you, constantly, but you always pull through. You're one of the strongest kids I know."

"But everything I've done, is because I have had help."

"Well, of course, no one can go through Hell alone and survive. Not even you, golden boy. You need your friends the same way they need you."

Harry thought over the words. Jamie could almost hear the wheels turning in his head.

"Just because you have help, does not mean you're not strong. It means you're human."

Harry finally smiled. It was small, but it was enough for Jamie.

"You're my friend."

"Yes. . . How unfortunate for you."

The Grim ➸ R. Weasley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora