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Her name is Fiona Evergarden. She is a seventeen year old girl who lives in the city of Liverpool, England.

She lives her life under simplicity she is the last child of 4 siblings even the only woman in the family which makes her not too trusted by her family.

Because she didn't pay much attention, he decided that after school she would work whatever her job as long as it made money, even if it wasn't how much.

She works to pay for her school fees she doesn't ask her family for a penny because she knows that she doesn't get much attention so this young Fiona has to work hard to pay for her school fees.

This Fiona has long white hair, blue eyes and has a decent body to become a commander but Fiona never thought of it because it's hard to live alone, especially if you have to register as an officer.

Fiona continues to learn anything new so that it is easy for her to answer the questions the teacher gives her and impress the teacher with her achievements.

One day the teacher asked Fiona, this teacher's name is Hilda. She is one of the teachers who likes Fiona's cleverness in solving the questions she gives even though she herself doesn't know the answers to the questions.

"Fiona-chan... what makes you able to answer a question from me that I don't even know the answer to?" Hilda asked Fiona while assessing the other students' answer sheets.

"You see Hilda-senpai... I often learn new things when I'm working part time so I can answer the questions from you that I learned from my job." Fiona answered Hilda's teacher's question calmly.

"What? Work? A girl your age doesn't deserve to work." Hilda was a little surprised to hear the confession of Fiona who had worked at a young age.

"I was ignored by my own family so I decided to learn to be independent so as not to bother them ... I just went home to change clothes and sleep the rest I spent working and studying." Fiona answered in a rather heavy tone.

"Unfortunately for you." Hilda was a little sad to hear that.

"That's how senpai is... but I don't mind."(Fiona)

Every day after school Fiona immediately returned to work as a courier in a logistics company owned by a British officer.

The British officer has the same last name as herself, namely Reina Evergarden, this Reina is a staff officer of the Royal Navy ship girl.

One day Reina decides to meet Fiona to ask a few things, she asks Fiona a few things which she thinks is the youngest employee in her office.

"Fiona-chan... come here... I want to ask you... since you didn't have any packages delivered then I wanted to talk to you." Reina sat in front of Fiona.

"Did I do something wrong?" Fiona asked in a worried tone.

"No... you did a great job even exceeding my expectations." Reina slightly praised Fiona.

"It was an honor for me to meet a British officer." This humble Fiona praised Reina for talking to her.

"Don't be like that... do you always work here?" Reina asked Fiona while holding a book.

"Of course...even I work in many places." Fiona replied humbly.

"I want to offer you a job." Reina checked Fiona's name on the book.

"Sounds interesting... what kind of job is that?" Fiona is interested in Reina's offer.

"As a security assistant at my base... don't worry you don't have to worry about the fee being my responsibility." Reina offers a job as a maid assistant

From Outcast To Commander Ship Girls (English Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora