Wedding Edition

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---2 months later ---

* Kate *

Our friends and family were once again gathered for one last time . Alice and Rosalie were working on my hair and nails while Bella was doing my make up . Renesme was my flower girl , Rose was my maid of honor , Alice and Bella were my other bridesmaids with ... Rebekah. I know what you're all thinking , but we have a mutual understanding . I also had a little surprise for Elijah in store . Bella walked over . 

" Time for the dress and the finishing touches . "  Alice said as they slid it over my head over my slip .

Rose re-curled the curls that had been flattened by the dress and then there was a knock on the door .

" Go away ! " Alice called in full " Wedding mode "

Someone cleared thier throat and opened the door anyway. Edward . I pulled away from the girls and ran into my big brother's arms . He held me tightly , looking dasing in his tux . 

" You look ... beautiful . " he said with a smile .

" We'll give you a moment." Rose said as they walked out .

It was only then that I realized Edward was teary eyed .

" Are you crying ? " I asked with a laugh .

He looked down and I hugged him again .

" You're all grown up , Katie . I remember when I was taking you to your first ball and when we went to the beach and sitting by the piano and reading together and ... " he said , shaking his head .

I smiled .

" Just because I'm grown up doesn't mean I'm mature . Or that we can go to balls together anymore . Or that we can't go to the beach . Or read together . Or sit by the piano . Besides .... " I said , dangling keys in front of his face .

" What is that ? " he asked .

I smirked .

" Say hello to your new next door nieghboor . "

Edward's jaw dropped and I burst out laughing . 

" But I live in the middle of the woods . " he muttered .

I shrugged .

" And now I do too . Hope Kol and I don't keep you up . " I winked and he shuddered .

" Eww . Every moment !Dammit ! Every moment you have to ruin ! " he said , rolling his eyes .

" You know you love it . " I said , nudging him .

He laughed .

" You're right. I do . " he said , kissing my forehead .

I smiled and then he reached into his pocket and pulled something out . It was a sapphire jewlery set . The locket was a silver locket encrusted with Sapphires . I gasped .

" Read the inside . " he said .

I cocked an eyebrow and read the back : Kaityln Elizabeth Mason ; Ruining Moments Since 1902 . I laughed and hugged him once again as he helped me fasten on my " something blue " . The " something old " was the picture of Edward and I from when we were younger inside the locket . He then grabbed my hand and lead me to the top of the Cullen stairs in my white gown . 

" Are you sure you want to do this ? " he asked looking over at my bronze hair falling down my back in curls .

I nodded .

" I'm positive . "

He nodded and I watched the wedding party walk down the aisle until it was our turn .  I clutched his arm gently as slowly , everyone turned to see us . I was looking at the ground  . I didn't raise my eyes until we were at the aisle and my eyes met Kol's . He looked so handsome that I could've died .Silly me . I'm already dead . We smiled . 

" Who gives this woman away ? " asked the priest .

Silence .I nudged Edward and he sighed. 

" I was avoiding this. I do . " he said , placing my hand in Kol's to the congrigation's laughter . He was walking off the aisle and I bumped him with my hip and a wink .

I heard the opening , but I wasn't paying attention to it . I was only paying attention to Kol .

" The couple has decided to write thier own vows . " the priest said .

I looked at Kol as he smirked .

" Kaitlyn Elizabeth Mason-Cullen . You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen . I've loved you for the longest time . I've been waiting for you for .... forever . And now that you're here with me , I only hope that I can give you all that you deserve and treat you like you deserve to be treated . I promise that as long as you fall, I'll always be there to pick you up . I love you and that's not going to change . " he said , suddenly serious .

I choked up . Don't cry . Don't cry. Don't cry , dammit ! Crying . Just ... crying now .

" Kol . Just Kol . You're cocky . And arrogant . And sometimes your an ass . But I love you . I love you so much . I love all of those things about you . I'd do anything to make you happy . To make you smile . I'd do anyting to help you through this world .Everyday feels like the first and that's what I want to give you . A new life. A new reason to want to live . " I said with a smile , through my watery eyes .

We said our " I do's " and then Kol slid the ring on my finger and kissed me . The night flew by and I found myself dancing with Elijah . Perfect . 

" Congratulations . " he said.

" I actually invited someone to see you . " I said .

He looked confused and then we both turned to face my doppleganger . He gasped .

" Briat ? " he asked .

My mirror image smiled .

" I've missed you , Elijah . " she said as he left my side and went to hers , pulling her into a hug .

I saw Kol over with Emmett and grabbed him , pulling him into the middle of the floor . I glanced over at Stefan and Katherine , Damon and Tanya , Edward and Bella , Renesme and Jacob , and the rest of our new family . Kol wrapped his arms around my waist as we slow danced . 

" Hello , Mrs.Mikaelson . " he said.

I laughed and put my head on his chest, kissing him .

" Hi . " I said after our kiss .

He smiled .

" I think I won. " he said .

I rolled my eyes and squeezed his hand .

" This ... this is the life I wanted . Spending eternity with you . "

Kol brushed a stay hair out of my face and leaned in , kissing me again .  

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