Chapter 8

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* Kate * 

After Elijah introduced himself , he casually walked off . It was rather strange the way he was acting , but I was to busy thinking about watching wrestling or something with Emmett that I didn't notice . I walked back through the woods and back into the Cullen house . When I walked in , everyone was sitting in the living rom . 

" How was your walk ? " Jasper asked .

I shrugged .

" Now that I think about it , it was actually pretty strange ." I replied , taking a seat in between Kol and Emmett , using Emmett as my foot stool . 

" How so ? " Alice asked , looking up from her fashion magizine .

" I met a man . He said I looked fimiliar and then said that his name was Elijah . " I said as if it was nothing.

Just about the time that I said that , Kol got really tense and froze .

" Kol , what is i--- " I was cut off by the sound of my cell phone . 

I pressed the " Talk " button .

" Hello ? " I asked getting up from the couch .

" Kate , we have to talk . Are you somewhere alone ? " Bella asked from the other end of the line .

I looked around at the others and made my way upstairs into my room so that I was all alone .

" Yup . What's up ? " I asked  grabbing my glass of water from my nightstand. 

" I think I'm .... pregnant . " she said as I spit out the water and dropped the glass causing it to shatter on the floor .

" That's not funny , Bella . " I snapped.

" I'm serious , Kate ! You have to believe me ! Edward is freaking out and I don't know what to do . Her already talked with Carlisle and Alice a few moments ago . " she said .

" T-That's not possible ! " I said .

" Look , I need your help . Edward wants to get it out of me , but I want to keep it . " she said .

I couldn't believe what I was hearing .

" Are you flipping insane ?! It could kill you . " I said in horror .

" No it won't . I have a plan . But I need you and Rosalie on my side . Please . I don't want to lose my baby . " she said . 

" You're asking me to go against my brother ?! My own brother ?! " I demanded .

"Please , Kate ! Maybe he'll listen to you . " she begged .

" No . I will not do that to him . You were wrong to go behind his back and ask me this . " I said , hanging up .

Just then , Kol burst through the door and started to look around frantically .

"W-What's going on ?! " I asked , still in shock from Bella's news . 

" We have to get out of here . " he said , grabbing my suitcase as he started to throw stuff in .

" Woah woah woah ! Hold up !  I'm not going anywhere ! " I said .

 " You  have to ! " he replied, shaking his head .

" Why ? No ! I can't ! . " I said .

" Please , love . I'll take you anywhere you want ! Anywhere at all ! " he said .

" I can't ! Bella's pregnant ! " I suddely burst out , causing Kol to freeze in his place .

My phone rang again and I answered it . 

" Is it true ? Is Bella pregnant ? " Jacob's husky voice asked from the other end of the line .

Hearing Jacob's voice made my blood boil .

" Screw you and piss off . " I said , slamming the phone down .

" That's impossible , it's it ? " Kol asked , surprised as he ran a hand through his hair .

" Apparrently not ." was my reply .

My phone rang again and I picked it up a third time , annoyed.

" Piss off . " I snapped and I was about to hang up when I heard a fimiliar voice .

" I need to talk to you ." My brother's voice said on the other end of the line .

" I needto talk to you too . " I replied .

"  Bella's pregnant . " he said .

" I know . "

he seemed surprised for a moment .

" You knew ? " he asked .

" Mmmhmm . Just got off the phone with her . She wanted me to help her keep little Dracula and to convince you to let her . "  I explained .

" And you said ..... " he said , trailing off .

" I told her that she was wrong to ask me to go against my own brother . " I stated .

I knew Edward smiled on the other end .

" Thanks , Kate . " he said .

I shrugged.

" For what ? Telling your wife to stop being delusional ? "

" Exactly . " he chuckled .

" Whatever . " I said , rolling my eyes .

" We're on the way home . We should see you in a few hours . " he said .

" I'll be waiting .... " I replied . 

" Bye , Katie . I love ya . " he said and then we both hung up .

Kol was just standing there in shock .

" Kol , you have to tell me what's going on . " I said finally after a moment of silence .

" You're .... the doppleganger . " he said .

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