Chapter 17

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* Kate * 

I packed my bag and walked downstairs with Kol on my arm . Everyone was talking amongst themselves and I assumed they were talking about me because as soon as we stepped off the stairs , it got silent . Running a hand through my dark now red-bronze hair , I pushed through the people , looking for the door . Just as I'd pulled the knob of the door open, someone grabbed my arm . 

" Are you really leaving ? " Edward asked quietly .

Kol took a few steps back , knowing it could set me off .  I looked down at my suitcase . 

" What do you think ?! " I hissed .

I pulled the door open again .

" I thought you actually cared about us . I thought you wanted a family . " Rosalie said .

I turned around , slamming the door .

" Let me show you my favorite finger. " I growled and stuck my middle finger up ,walking out the door without another word .

" The wild one. " Jasper muttered .

Kol walked out with his bags and put them in the car as I slid in the driver's seat . We drove out of Forks and I had alot on my mind . 15 miles away from Forks , and I pulled over because Kol was in need of a " bite " to eat . I told him I'd wait by the car and to take his time and he nodded , dissapearing into the night .I sighed and leaned against my car , crossing my arms , when I sensed someone else there .

" That was pretty explosive back there . " said a fimiliar voice .

I turned around to see Garrett and sighed , shaking my head . 

" Don't start with me . " I warned .

He put his hands up deffensively and walked over , leaning against my car with me . 

" How have you been , Katie ? " he asked me .

I looked over at the man I'd met in the 30's and spent my time with . Garrett had been a best friend for me . More then a friend . I'd met him in Baltimore at a bar .

" Trick question ? " I asked , cocking an eyebrow .

He shook his head with a chuckle . 

" You always were a spitfire . " he said with a sigh .

" And you ... I didn't know you knew the Cullens . " I said .

" Hey ! I knew Carlisle . Besides , I didn't know that you were Edward's sister ! " he said deffensively .

I rolled my eyes . 

" Nobody did . I thought he was dead and he thought I was dead . "

" And now you're ..... " he trailed off .

" A vampire . " I stated .

" Obviously . " he said ,rolling his eyes .

I laughed .

" I missed you. " I said .

" I missed you too , spitfire . I really did . The only woman I ever really fell hard for . " Garrett said .

I shifted my wieght.

" Rumor is you have a thing with Katrina Denali . " I said , nudging him playfully.

He rolled his eyes .

" She's .... nice. " he said .

" Just nice ? I think she's really pretty. " I said .

" Me too . " he nodded .

We were both awkwardly silent a moment . 

" And you ... you're dating ..... " he trailed off , shaking his head .

" Engaged . Kol and I are engaged . " I said.

He froze and sighed .

" I'm .... happy for you . "

I looked over at him and knew he was lying .

" Thank you . I'm happy for you too . " I said , rubbing his arm gently .

" Well , I should get back. It was nice seeing ya again, Spitfire . " he said , kissing my forehead as he dissapeared, just in time for Kol to walk out of the woods.

" Ready ? " he asked , oblivious to my conversation with Garrett.

I nodded .

" Ready . " I said with a sigh ,taking once glimpse back to where Garrett had dissapeared from .

 ----- HAHAHA ! The song on the side is perfect for Kate ! ----

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