Chapter 13

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* Kate * 

Sitting in my room after the fight with Edward and the realization that I would have to become a creature of the night , I found myself dreaming . Dreaming of better times and how things were supposed to be . Not how they were . I was vaugley aware of the door to my room open and fluttered my eyelids to look over and see Kol . He laid down on the other side of the bed and looked over at me . 

" I didn't mean to upset you or put you on the spot . I was going to tell you .... privately . " he said , running a hand through his hair .

I sighed and looked over at him , giving him a small smile .

" It was bound to happen eventually and you didn't upset me . Edward did . " I said .

He looked down and I grabbed his hand , squeezing it gently .

" I'd give up anything for you . That's what love is , right ? My definition . Edward was right . I could've had a life . I could've had a future in the world of humanity . But that's not an option anymore . I understand that and I except that . I think it's time that everyone else excepts it to . " 

Kol looked down at our hands and pulled them up , kissing mine .

" I love you . I always have . I should've told you . " he said , shaking his head .

I slapped him on the face and he rubbed his cheek . 

" OUCH ! What was that for ?! " he demanded .

I smirked. 

" For not telling me . " I said .

He rolled his eyes and then pulled me onto his lap , kissing me . I trailed my fingers through his hair as we countinued to kiss until there was a knock on the door . 

" Go . Away . " Kol groaned .

I laughed and grabbed a pillow, putting it over his head playfully as I slid off the bed and walked over , answering the door . It was Edward . 

" Can we talk ? " he asked , clearing his throat to glare behind me at Kol .

I nodded. 

" Sure . " I said , closing the door behind me .

I followed Edward down past the rest of the people in the living room and into his favorite room in the house , the piano room . He walked over and sat down on the bench  . 

" Do you remember all the times we used to spend at a piano like this ? " he asked , looking down at the keys .

I nodded and walked over and pulled myself up so that I was sitting on the edge of the piano .

" We used to spend hours sitting just like this . You would play and I would sing along like I had no cares in the world . " I said , smiling at the memories .

" I miss that . I miss it more then anything and I'm sorry that I let this happen to you . I'm sorry that I can't fix it . " he murmered , looking up at me for a moment .

I slid off of the piano and sat next to him , running my fingers over the keys . 

" Kiss me hard before you go , Sumertime Sadness . I just wanted you to know , that baby you're the best . I got my red dress on tonight , dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight . Done my hair up real big , beauty queen style , High heels off , I'm feeling alive . " I sang quietly .

I paused in the middle of the song, and Edward's hands found there way over to the keys , dancing over them as I finished the song . After we'd finished the song , I looked down and grabbed his hand . 

" I just wanted you to know , that baby you're the best . " I said , looking at my brother .

He smiled a little .

" I just can't seem to get over the fact that you're not my little kid sister anymore . " he said .

" I may not be your kid little sister, but I'll always be your little sister . " I said.

He smiled and then pulled me into a hug .  

" I love you , Edward . " I said into his shoulder .

" I love you too , Kate . " he said gently .

Just then ,we heard a scream and Edward pulled back . 

" Bella ! " he said as he ran out of the room .

I followed him and saw Bella laying on the floor . Carlisle and Esme had gone out hunting with Emmett . Apparently , Klaus wasn't the only one who'd been hiding out in the woods . So were the wolves . They wanted to attack because of Bella's baby . Or as I call it , monster kid .  As Bella went into labor . I walked upstairs and Kol was walking around nervously . 

" Kate , we're running out of time . I don't want to take the chance of something going wrong . " he said . 

I walked over to him . 

" Do it then . Take some of my blood and then give me some of yours . That's how it works , right ? " I asked , in just as much of a worry as Kol was .

He nodded . 

" And then, I'd have to kill you . " he said , shaking his head .

I smirked . 

" Romeo and Juliet it is , then . "

He rolled his eyes and then walked over , biting my neck , taking some blood before he bit his wrist and put some in my mouth .  He was about to snap my neck and complete the process when Alice called me . I didn't have time to protest since Bella was downstairs in labor and the house was in a panic . Apparently , Rosalie called Carlisle and asked him to come  back and help and he explained that he couldn't get through the wolves .

" We need Carlisle . Can you ..... maybe distract the wolves ? " Jasper asked .

I nodded . 

" Sure . " I said , not even thinking about the risks and not remembering to tell them what had happened with Kol .

" Thanks , Kate , you're really brave . We have to stay here and protect the house . " Alice said .

" I'll go with her . " Damon said .

I shook my head.

" No . Stay here in case they need you. This is a solo mision . " I said , walking out the door .

" What about Klaus ?! " Damon yelled, but I was already gone .

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