Chapter 4

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* Kate *

Tonight was the rehearsal dinner and tomarrow Edward was getting married . I suppose I'm getting used to the idea of having a sister in law . Bella's not the best , but at least she's not a slut . If Edward brought home a slut .... well , let's just not go there . I slid into a short whiteish cream color dress and left my bronze hair down in curls , brushing through it before I slid on a necklace and into my heels . I didn't have a date tonight because like I've already told you , Kol won't be back until tomarrow . Damon was back from his trip with Emmett and Stefan dissapeared to find this woman named Katherine . I appeared at the top of the stairs and Edward appeared at my side , linking our arms together as we walked down into the Cullen's crowded living room full of people and guests . 

" You look beautiful . " Edward said , looking at me .

I flipped my hair .

" I know . " I replied casually as I unlinked his arms so he could go find Bella .

He rolled his eyes .

" Right . " he said sarcastically .

I felt eyes on me as I bumped him with my hip playfully and walked over to an empty table they'd set up , sitting down . As soon as I sat down , Emmett and Jasper walked over . 

" Don't you look nice . " Jasper complimented .

Emmett nodded .

" Hell yes ! " he said .

I shook my head .

" The only 2 words in your vocabulary , Emmy . " I replied , standing up and grabbing them both , leading them over to the dancefloor , first dancing with Emmett and then dancing with Jasper and then them both .

We ended up doing the bump in the middle of the floor with Alice and Edward laughing thier heads off .

" Who's that ? " I heard someone ask .

" That's Kate Mason . She's Edward's sister . " explained someone else .

I recignized the voices . They were the Quilute wolf pack . I glanced over for a moment and saw them watching me from another table . 

" She's pretty . " said one of the women I knew to be Emily Young .

" She's Jacob's imprint . " Embry said .

Emmett looked down at me and I knew that his sensitive vampire hearing heard that .

" You're Jacob's imprint ? " he asked with a raised eyebrow as we danced .

I sighed and held up my hand to flash the ring Kol had gotten me in front of his face to make a statement .  Emmett rolled his eyes with a roaring laughter that caused everyone to look at us . I shrugged and shot Emmett a glare for bringing attention to us . After that , Damon walked up and wrapped his arms around me . 

" Hello , Ms. Mason . You look stunning tonight . You know , Kol doesn't get back until tomarrow .... " he said with a wink .

I smirked and leaned up to his ear seductively .

" The answer is no . " I said just as seductively , rolling my eyes .

Damon sighed .

" It was worth a shot . " 

After Damon and I danced , I walked over to Rosalie and linked arms with her as we walked over to Bella's parent's table where Esme and Carlisle were also seated . 

" You must be Mr. Swan and Mrs.Dwyer . It's a pleasure to meet you . I've heard so much about you . " I replied , extending my hand to both of them .

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