Chapter 5

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* Kate *

I woke up in Jacob's bed and nearly fell out of it . 
" Damn ! Damn ! Damn ! Damn ! DAMN ! " I muttered as I fumbled around for the rest of my clothes from the night before , hoping they were dry so I could change out of Jacob's .

Jacob walked through the door with some breakfast and I froze .
" Please tell me we didn't ..... " I said , trailingn off , shaking my head .

He sighed .
" Nah. You punched me . " he said , rubbing his jaw .

" Opps . " I muttered .
" I made you some breakfast . " he said , handing me the plate .
" I-I should really go . " I said .

" Kate ... last night was the best night I've ever had . And I know that you feel something for me now . " he said , grabbing my hand . 

I slid my hand out of his and ran out the door into the bathroom , quickly throwing on my dress and then walked out throwing his clothes at him as I looked at the clock . I was supposed to be getting ready for the wedding ! 
" You might want these .... " he said , holding up my panties .

My jaw dropped as I cleared my throat and jogged over , snatching them away from him and tucking them into the pocket of my dress as I headed for the door.

" Kate , wait ! " Jacob said , running after me .

Just as I turned around , Jacob had me in a passionate kiss , pressing his lips to mine and using the brunt of his strength to keep me in the kiss . I groaned and after a minitue , I was able to push him off of me . He went to pull me back into another kiss and grabbed my ribs , accidentally causing a crack. I moaned in pain , hearing the crack in my ribs that had just healed . 
" Damn you ! " I hissed , slapping him across the face .

I ran home and slid into the house , quietly , hoping not to catch any attention . I heard someone clear thier throat and I saw Damon .  I nearly screamed as I jumped , seeing him .He smirked . 
" Why so jumpy ? " he asked me suspiciously .
" Has anyone ever told you your eyes are incredibly creepy ? They are ! That's why I'm jumpy . Piss off ! " I snapped , making my way upstairs and into my room , starting to get ready .

I reached into my closet and saw the hideous dress Alice insisted on getting me and sighed , trying ot think of a way to make the ugly thing look good . I saw a pair of scissors on the dresser and got an idea .  

After I'd gotten ready , I didn't bother going to see Bella . I just knocked on Rosalie's door and when she opened it , I ran in and slammed the door , leaning my back against it . 
" Rose ! Rose I have a major problem ! " I said .

" What ? " she asked , crossing her arms in curiousity .

" I uh ... just got home from Jacob's house . I was there .... all night . I nearly died and he saved me . I saw a girl and ... and .... and .... Kol's coming home today and .... " I said , running on and on . 

Rosalie froze  . 
" You slept with the dog ?! " she demanded .
" SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! No ! I didn't sleep with him ! I punched him . And then he ... OUCH ! " I said , talking rapidly again as I clutched the side where my ribs hurt .

She shook her head .
" So , it sounds like you have nothing to be ashamed of if you punched him . " 

" I let him kiss me . I was cold . I wasn't feeling good . I was delusional ! " 

" Kate , calm down ! You'll be fine ! Everything will work out . Come on , you have to finish getting ready . " she said soothingly .

After I'd put the finishing touches on myself , I appeared at the top of the stairs once again at Edward's side , linking our arms together .

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