Chapter 22

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Danny and I spend loads of time on the beach the upcoming month. When it was new year, I spend it with him, so that I could talk to my husbands. I had one on one conversations with them, but also group conversations. It was nice to talk to them again, but it hurt even more when the time was up because the longing for them would return.

One night I was sitting on the beach looking at the moon, as Trevor had told me he would be watching every night as well, when Lotus ran down the stairs towards the beach.

"The judges are going to make their ruling known." She said, it was the tenth of January and I looked up at her. "The press conference is starting now." She said and I ran up the stairs with her.

For the past weeks she had spent loads of time with Danny as well, and I knew that they had done more than just talk. They were really happy together and it was adorable to see. Lotus had even let me know that she might join me to Locatlie when I could, so that she could see the country and maybe move there for Danny. For my parents that was a tad of a shock, as it was 'too quick' in their opinion, but they also knew that if Lotus made her mind up, that nothing would stop her. I also knew that deep down they knew that a future in the United States or in the United Kingdom might be hard for them, as they could be used for a pawn at any time. They knew they might be safest back in Locatlie. That realisation was a tad too much for mum, whom would miss her best friends Paige, Tracy and Mae. 

Danny was sitting outside with my parents. Brad was holding little Jude whom had woken up and I saw they had moved a tv to the outer seating area. I went and sat down as on the tv I saw that in four minutes the judges would announce what the verdict would be. I saw that Danny had his watch on again and he gave me a small smile. I sat down next to Brad, as Lotus went and sat next to Danny, his arm around her right away. Brad and Ana did love Danny though, but then again, he was really funny and really kind. He also was brought up with the idea that women were goddesses, so he obviously loved Lotus to bits and pieces.

It had been two months since Danny had first arrived and yet it felt like he had been here the whole time. I looked at the TV and my nerves were really kicking in.

"Do you want anything to drink, Julia?" One of our helpers asked and I looked up at her.

"A water please." I commented as I rubbed Jude's back, as she was sound asleep in Brad's arms and she was fucking adorable. I leaned forward giving her a kiss or two and I then looked at the tv to await my future.

But my future had been decided for me once again. The interview that I had done with Lotus had caused more trouble than it was worth, because they talked about that interview and about how I acted and decided that because I was still too stuck up on my husbands, I would have to be kept away from them for another year.

The moment I heard that I burst out into sobs, covering my face and burying it against my knees. It would mean another year without Oliver, another year without William, another year without Hugo, a long year without Trevor. But most of all another year in which we were stuck on this island awaiting the future.

My husbands had told me that I would be back before my 22nd birthday and I tried to remember that, hold onto it, but I didn't know how they were going to manage to pull it off. The doubt started to creep in about how powerful they were, but mainly their love for me.

How could they be ok, when I was so fucking miserable?


The verdict is in. Who thought/predicted this would happen? How do you think the kings will get her back? Who saw Lotus and Danny coming?

I will post the Epilogue later tonight! 

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