Chapter 6

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Trevor P.O.V

Their interrogation tactics were a solid 2 at best. It was absolutely hilarious what they thought meant actual torture. There were no knives, no cutting of limbs, none of the good shit. The only thing they did was a bit of waterboarding and electrocution. It was childsplay. I knew that my brothers and I were the biggest 'criminals' that they had in here and they were treating us like this? It was laughable. One guy accidentally took off my nail and I had not seen him since. I obviously acted up my pain meter to the max to give them the feeling that they were doing a good job. But they were doing anything but. The only thing they did great was keep me in the smallest cell ever, where I could stand and I had to sleep standing up. That was the only inhumane thing they did, but no knives, no creativity. It was disappointing.

I didn't know how long ago since the three of us were grabbed from the football field and thrown into a van. They brought us to Brussels, it being a long silent trip. This because we knew there was a camera here. Hugo was the only one that tried to fight it for a bit, tried to get him loose, tried to open the car. But after an hour he gave up. I knew he was doing this to pretend he was the weak one out of the three of us. They knew I wouldn't be fazed by this and I played that up as well, I fell asleep and yawned dramatically the moment the door shut. William stared ahead and was probably thinking about what kind of policies were going to be put in place the moment we were let go. After two hours all three of us thought about Julia though, what would happen to her, but we all had this horrid feeling that they were currently doing a DNA test and were building a case against us. I had gotten intel that there were some talks about the Julia/Willow situation, but I didn't expect them to act now.

After a couple of hours, we were brought to a prison that I knew was for international cases and we were brought to the highest floor. We were put into interrogation rooms and we had to wait for 24 hours. Or at least, I would. They separated us. I gave them props for that. In the car they kept us in the dark, and here they kept us separated. They did not want us to communicate, they thought we didn't have a plan for everything. After 24 hours some guy in a suit asked me all kinds of questions. He had food with him and I ate that while giving him my king Trevor look, and he was absolutely shitting his pants and nervous about asking questions that I obviously wasn't going to answer. The only thing I said after his excuse of an interrogation was that I wanted to see a lawyer. I after a while got transferred to my 'cell' and they then used some 'harder' interrogation tactics. I had not seen a lawyer at all, but that was fine with me. I enjoyed the time to rehearse my stories over and over again.

After a while I was escorted to a room and I blinked a couple of times, as the room was bright. I then saw a family friend sitting there, one of our lawyers, and he looked at me and his eyes widened. I knew they cut my hair off and kept shaving it. I knew I had some blood on me, which I had cut on my arms on myself, just to make sure that I had proof. I looked around and I saw no cameras.

The lawyer took pictures of me and my wounds and I sat down and there was food.

"Nobody can hear us. I made sure of that. My colleagues are talking to your brothers at the moment. We aren't allowed to talk to you three as a whole." He said. "King Lucas told me that he had a one-minute conversation with your wife a couple of months ago and asked for Rosemary. He said you would understand what that meant." He said, even if it was more of a question. I gave him a curt nod. "I'm not here to tell you what to say or do, I had clear instructions on that. I am only here to be the communication and when it is time, to defend you and your brothers with my team." He said and I took another bite of my burger and I nodded. "I have a letter here from your father." He said and he handed it to me. "The other side has read it, but did not understand it. They do have a copy, but from my sources they have no idea what any of it means."

"What month is it?" I asked as this was important for this.

"December the first." He said and I looked up at him, my eyes furious.

"I've been here for four months and this is the first time you come?" I said and he nodded slowly.

"I am hired by your fathers, and they thought that if you asked for lawyers too much, that it would seem as if you're fabricating stories." He explained and I nodded slowly as I then read the letter while I was eating, translating it in my head.

He told me that he had had contact with Julia, that he is keeping tabs on her and that she was doing sort of ok. That she misses us, but he thinks there might be some doubt put into her. He says he has no idea if she will testify, and if so, what she will say. That she said Rosemary weeks ago. He said that they were doing everything they can and that if they did not get the right outcome of this case, that war would be happening, and he needed permission for that. He also told me that Oliver was fine. This was good to hear. I nodded slowly at that.

"Tell my father code black." I said and he looked at me for a second and nodded as I then took some chips. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Your majesty." He stammered and he seemed nervous now. "The lawyers of the United league contacted us." He said and he seemed so fucking nervous it was fucking annoying. "They have asked you and your brothers write a letter for Queen Julia." He said and my eyes widened as I heard her name. I had missed her so much and I spend my days thinking about how it would be to see her beautiful face again, to hold her, to hear her laugh, everything and anything with her. "She has stated she wants to know how you are, how you are feeling, how you are being treated. I have been told that the United League will get copies of the letters." He explained and I nodded slowly at that. "It does concern us that the United League is talking to her." He said. "Well, your father."

"That's great. Where is a paper and a pen?" I demanded and he nodded handing it to me and I wrote a short letter, as I didn't know what else to say.

I signed it on the bottom and then handed it to him. "Anything else?"

"In 7 weeks, the trial starts. The three of you will be present in the room. According to your father, the three of you are each going to testify. You will be last and won't be able to hear what the others state." He said and I nodded slowly. "Your father also wanted to ask permission to get File B ready just in case?" File B was the blackmail stuff we had for Julia; in case she would throw us under the bus.

"Yes. Get it ready, but don't put it on any public file, not until we know if she has a hand in any of this." I said calmly and he nodded looking at me as he then talked to me about some pragmatics before I was escorted out. The moment I stepped out I looked sideways and I saw William and he looked sideways at me. He probably looked just as shitty as I did, but his eyes were still the same as always; there was life in them. I gave him a curt nod and he gave me a curt nod back. I then walked back to my room with a huge smile on my face and fantasised about Julia reading my letter.

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