Chapter 15

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"Miss Julia?" The woman stated after two hours of sitting here. I had gotten a book to read while waiting after half an hour, because apparently it was going to take a long while. I did not mind that at all, as I wanted them to think of the choice they were making concisely. I stood up, the nerves going through my entire body. The door opened and the 23 judges were sitting there. I sat down on the chair and a glass of water was there once more. I observed all of the 23 judges faces, to see if I could read what they had decided. But I didn't find out any information. The only thing that confused me was that Robert, the cousin or second cousin, whatever he was, of my husbands wasn't looking at me. He was writing something down and the way he was sitting, it didn't sit right with me.

"Julia. You are here so we can explain to you what our decision is and why we made this decision. We believe that you are the first one that should know as it influences your life the most." Jozo started and I gave her a short nod. "The majority of last night and this morning we have been discussing what the best option for the situation is. After hearing your insights into your husbands life and them as people, we have come to a consensus that all parties are pleased with the result." She said, she was basically stating to me that both the United League and the League of Nations came here with an agenda and they both had to compromise something to make sure that they would get the most positive outcome. "On the accusations regarding your husbands, the verdict is that they are not guilty of all charges." She said and my heart started to beat immensely fast. This meant that they could go home to Locatlie, that I could go home and see my son. Finally. "The United League will have no influence over how they rule their subjects in exchange for them not counter attacking us. King William has confirmed your suspicions with a conversation, stating that if he and his brothers would be released, that bygones be bygones." She said and I nodded at that. "He also confirmed that because the world has now split into two powers, that his country will implement different tariffs in terms of trading to the United League, and they have agreed to that." She said and I nodded. This was all positive, what did the United League get in this deal? It seemed like the League of Nations had won in this case, we had won. I was going home to my husbands.

"That's great. I'm happy that the United League and the League of Nations have come to a consensus. I am very pleased to know that the 23 of you, along with the leaders of your countries, see this as the way it was; a misunderstanding." I confirmed and she nodded slowly at that.

"We do worry about your role in this whole situation." Jozo said and my happiness right away turned into worry, had they made some deal making sure they got a non-guilty verdict in exchange for me? No, my husbands wouldn't do this. "And for the past hour we have discussed where your place in the world would be." My eyes widened at this, o no. O no. "The 23 of us see your security and your safety of utmost importance and we understand that this ruling will be upsetting for not only you but also your husbands." She said, what? What was happening? What. The. Fuck

"And after consulting several psychologists around the world, we cannot guarantee that you do not suffer from a small form of Stockholm syndrome. We have heard your story and we understand how important it is for you to be with your husbands, but at this time we cannot accept that, and we cannot permit that." She said and my eyes widened as tears appeared in my eyes, my heart rate slowing down. "For the upcoming year, you will get a no contact order to any persons from the United League. You will be living with your parents under supervision of the American or the British government. You will be able to do whatever you want, don't get me wrong, you are free. You are not held hostage and we want to make that immensely clear. But we cannot permit you to have any contact with your husbands for a year, nor with any of that family." She said and I felt light headed as I looked at her. I couldn't believe this.

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