Chapter 16

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Trevor p.o.v

I felt Hugo's hand on my leg as we heard the verdict, well rather that our wife wasn't allowed to be with us for a fucking year. I knew that my 'public poker face' was currently gone to shit and I knew that the anger in my eyes was clearly shown, I knew I had the King of Knives look on my face and I knew that the whole world could see this. But I didn't care. It had been over six months since I had let that side of me out, the mental games that those fucktards here in Brussel played were fun but exhausting. Nothing beat the feeling of having total control over some fucker whom actually committed a crime. There was only one thing that beat that feeling and that was feeling Julia's love.

And now they were going to take that away from me, from us, because of some stupid fucked up game. I could not accept it, but I then felt William's hand on my shoulder, and I turned my head to look at him.

"Calm down." He said looking at me in his king voice and I looked back at him. "Later." He added and I nodded slowly. "We're found not guilty. We can go back to Locatlie, we can go back to Oliver. She would want that for us ok?" He said and I looked into his eyes and my body felt an anger that I couldn't control. "I know. Wait until we're in a plane and then you can ok?" He said. "Breathe." He demanded grabbing my face and I nodded slowly at that as we stood up and we got our handcuffs off right away and I cracked my knuckles. I turned around hoping I would be able to see her, but she wasn't here.

"Where is she?" I demanded in my king voice, stating it towards William whom looked around and back at me but he gave me this look of calm down.

"Let's get out of here ok brother. There is security for us and a plane waiting for us at the airport." Hugo said and I frowned at that but he pointed towards our lawyers whom were all discussing things in a fast voice. I knew the cameras were on us right now. I walked out of th room to the waiting room first. I knew there were camera's here as well, all observing us. My security was waiting here and they escorted me to a car where I would be traveling alone. I knew that this was the protocol.

They were using my girl, my everything, as a pawn in their stupid war. They were going to let her give birth to our child alone, she was going to have miss Oliver, she was going to have to miss our family, her family, her life, all because of this stupid fucking war. I looked up at the sky and I saw a helicopter flying away from the building and I looked at it and I knew, I just fucking knew, she was in that helicopter. As I saw her flying away, tears streamed down my face out of anger. After a drive of half an hour, I arrived at the airport, them stopping on the airstrip and there was paparazzi there; of course. I climbed out of the car and I walked up the steps into the airplane and the moment I got in there, I grabbed the first thing I could find and threw it through the room. There were people here, of our team, whom all ducked but I didn't care. I didn't care that I was scaring them shitless. I walked up towards one of my security men and I grabbed him by the shirt.

"Gotar?" I snarled at him and he nodded absolutely petrified and I nodded as I put him down now and I turned my head and Hugo was standing there. He looked equally as miserable as I was and I couldn't control my anger.

"Breathe through your nose Trevor." Hugo said carefully looking at me, but I saw the fear in his eyes. William walked in then, taking off his tie right away and he sat down and Hugo gave him this look of 'are you going to help me.'.

"Trevor sit down." William snapped, not even looking at me. I looked at him, he had used his king voice and I knew right away that I had to do what I was told. I saw another airplane that would take the rest of our team back to Locatlie. I sat down, kicking the table in front of us before putting our seatbelt on. "A year, we have a year to make a plan to get her back." William said looking at me and I stared back at him with a confused look.

Locatlie: The Lie. (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now