Chapter 14

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I was escorted back to the hotel twenty minutes after that. My parents and Lotus were waiting in the helicopter for me and they were all staring ahead, taking the information in. We were brought to the hotel and I walked out with them and we went towards the livingroom.

"We can watch tv again." Lotus said as she turned it on and put it on BBC2; whom were showing the court case. They were currently talking about what I had said, about my reactions, and about my husbands reactions.

"The stories that she told, are the same as the stories that her husbands have said." The presenter stated. "And you start to doubt what we have been told, what we have been taught." The presenter stated.

"I understand and believe you, but I don't know if it was enough. At the end of the day, they knew whom she was, and did not tell her parents. She wasn't a minor anymore when that happened, but it still can be a bad situation."

"That is true." The third person said. "If you also listen to the words she said, I feel like she does suffer from a sort of Stockholm syndrome." I stood up not being able to listen to this rambling.

"Julia?" Brad said and I turned my head to look at him. "I'm so proud of you. You did great."

"Thank you." I said calmly. "I'm going to bed, I'm absolutely exhausted."

"Of course." Brad said and I went to my bedroom and I slowly undressed before going to the bathroom. I took my make up off as tears were streaming down my face.

I had just lied and made sure that hundreds of girls would be taken against their will, away from their parents, if they believed me. But, in return if everything went according to plan, I might be in a plane back to Oliver tomorrow. I would be able to see him, hold him, watch him. Be with him.

I turned on the shower and I thought about my reunion with each of my husbands. They seemed so happy to see me, it was so genuine and I couldn't help but be happy about that. They loved me even after not seeing me for six months, and after those six months i was seven months pregnant. They loved me and wanted to be with me. I was enough.

I walked towards my bed, after drying off and I fell asleep within seconds, dreaming of a life back in Locatlie with Oliver, this little baby girl, and my three amazing husbands.

"Julia?" I heard a voice state what felt like years later but at the same time like it was five minutes later. I opened my eyes and I saw that the sun was slowly coming up. "The judges want to see you and ask you some last questions." Lotus said and I nodded as I stood up and I took a quick rinsing shower to wake me up. I put on a pair of underwear and a comfortable bra. I looked at the different kind of outfits Ana had planned for me in my room and I decided on a beautiful dark blue dress. I put that on and put on some comfortable shoes. I quickly put on some basic make up and I decided to keep my hair loose.

My parents, Lotus and I went into the helicopter and we flew towards the courthouse.

My parents and Lotus were escorted to another room, after the three of them gave me a short swift hug. I was brought to a waiting room and I couldn't sit down, I had to know what was going to happen to me. I grabbed a banana from the fruit basket here and I put it on and I looked around at the room, observing every detail of this room.

They wanted to ask me some follow up questions and I was nervous about that; we had not discussed this concept. We had not discussed what I would have to say or how I had to act during this. This was new territory for me. I looked up at the camera and I knew that Lucas was probably watching this with the rest of the royal family. I smiled as I looked into the camera and I rubbed my belly, as she was moving and kicking a lot. She probably could sense I was nervous, because I was.

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