"Carlo. If you move I will stab you in the eye!" A voice I recognise as Adelaide whisper shouts. Then the singing begins again and I just lay there feeling something cold get drawn near my eye.

"Open" Adelaide demands. I open them slowly and squint a little. Adelaide looks down at me with a pen in her mouth looking straight into my eyes and around them.

She leans forward humming along to a song, i stare into her grey eyes and try not to move as she gets really close to my eye.

Her lips are in a relaxed pout and she looks really concentrated. I place my hands on her hips and she tenses up a little.

"It's okay," I whisper. Looking into my eyes she calms down and nods her head, going back to whatever she's doing.

"Why'd you stop singing?"

I turn my head and look at Bella laid next to me staring longingly at Adelaide. Her eyes slowly fall open and closed, Adelaide laughs softly and starts to sing.

"Upon the bridge
Between the waves
The air we breathe
Learn to forgive upon the bridge"

She has a light french accent in her voice as she carries on.

"That's how we are, La Seine and I"

She finishes the song and moves back to look at me. Her gaze turns to Bella beside me and she covers her up more with a blanket, still sitting on my chest.

I need to get her to eat. She's too light.

Adelaide passes me a small mirror and I look at the black lines she's drawn on my eyes. It's the same thing she did in the bathroom on that mission.

I grin at her and have a feeling of wanting to spend time with her.

"Do you want to go for a drive?" I ask in a whisper.

Adelaide nods her head and gets up off of me, she holds her hand out and pulls me up so I'm sitting.

We walk out of her room since she's already changed into a pair of baggy ripped jeans and a black zip up jacket which I'm pretty sure is mine.

We go into my room and I put on a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with a hoodie.

"Mom! We're going out!" I shout from the bottom of the stairs. I hear a faint 'okay' and walk outside.

"So where to, Mr Knight?" Adelaide looks up at me from my side. Her hood over her head a little.

I look up at the sky and see it's about to rain. "How about somewhere warm?"

"Are you scared of a little rain?" She gives me no time to respond and she's grabbed my hand dragging me out of the gates.

"For your information I'm not scared of rain" I say matter of factly.

She gives me a smile and starts to walk into the woods across from the mansion. Adelaide tilts her head up and looks at the trees towering over us.

Adelaide is so interested in the trees she doesn't realise I've stopped to watch her. The rain starts to drizzle lightly through the trees. She finds a spot where the rain is coming through a little more and opens her arms out and tilts her head back with her eyes closed.

"Amore?" I sit down on a log and she tilts her head to look at me. "We need to talk."

Adelaide tenses a little but makes her way over to me and sits down. "What about?" She asks.

"This marriage. We've been brushing past it and I want to know how you feel about it. It's been a few months now." I speak honestly.

She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes. "It's confusing. Kind of. We are being forced to do this, but at the same time we're not. If you think about it, neither of our fathers have pushed us and they gave us the chance to choose a date. It's just.... weird." She looks away from me.

I hold my pinky out and she looks at it before wrapping hers around mine. "I promise that I will protect you."

Adelaide looks at me and furrows her eyebrows. "We're making a big pinky promise, Adelaide. Make sure to add in nose kisses to yours." I joke.

She breathes out a laugh. "I promise to give you loads of nose kisses." I smile childishly at her words.

"I promise to not force you into anything."

Adelaide thinks for a second. "I promise that I will try to make this marriage work."

I freeze and look at her. "I promise that when we go to Italy we will spend lots of time together."

"I promise that you can be there when I kill Santiago." Adelaide laughs, hiding her other hand behind her back quickly as she says this. I laugh with her and smile at her smile.

"I promise to never hurt you."

"I promise to protect you, Izzy and Rose" Her hand which was hidden behind her back for a second comes forward and she sets it on her lap.

"I promise to listen."

Adelaide looks at me and I swear my heart skips a beat. It's not how she normally looks at me. She looks, somewhat, scared but deep down looks safe.

"Adelaide I promise you that no one will hurt you again and I promise that you can tell me anything. I promise that I will try to make this arrangement comfortable and if it means just being friends beforehand then I'm okay with that."

She nods her head softly and brings my hand to her lips. "I also promise to always paint your nails." She giggles before locking the promises with a kiss.

I kiss the back of her hand and look at my odd nails. I furrow my eyebrows. "How did I not realise?"

Adelaide starts laughing. "I don't even know."

I look at her nails and back at the neatly painted hand which is like hers. I smile and stand up.

"Race you back."

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