I went to Yash, at his cubicle,

I passed him the lunchbox containing theplas.
He opened and smiled,
"You are the best, I love you."

"You only love me when you get Theplas."

"You broke my heart love, you know how much I love you and how can you compare my love for you to this-" He raised his hand holding the lunch box,
"this dead thing."
I slapped on his chest, playfully.
"Please keep doing that I love the feel of your soft hand on me." He said playfully.

Before I could reply, my eyes fell on my left side, I paled seeing him there.
A woman was standing beside him,
I narrowed my eyes, studying her slender frame, which she’d stuffed into a bandage dress.

I looked with accusation at the people who were acting to work.

Fuck why they didn't warn us?

"What did you say your name was?"
Mr. Rathod asked.
That hurts,
Did he forget my name that easily?

"Aarna patel."

"And you?"

"Yash Dwivedi."

"Mr. Dwivedi, I need you to stop flirting on working hours. Either start working or leave."

How much did he hear exactly?

He ushered the woman with him, and they left, without giving me a glance.

"Are you okay?"
Yash asked,

I shook my head to clear the jealous thoughts.
"Bye... Laters." I said to Yash and left for my office.

Who the hell is that woman?

That is none of your business.

"Miss patel, My PA will be there with the file, I want you to complete it by the end of the night." I picked up my intercom.

No greetings, no how are you.
A*shole, I hate this attitude.

Well, You love what he does to your body, remember whom you imagined instead of your vib yesterday night.

Well after umm.. the meeting with Mr. Rathod yesterday, I was so feeling horny, and I needed a release. In a time of need, vibrator my current boyfriend is there with me. Always.
So after I went home, I and my vibrator were quite busy while imaginings Mr. Dark and dangerous.

"Mr. Rathod--"

"Sir will be fine, Miss patel. I am your boss, not a partner."
There was a hint of anger in his voice.

Why the hell is he behaving like this?

How can I forget this attitude when I think of him at night?

So next when you want to have an orgasm thinking of him, remember this attitude and you will feel like vomiting.

" Yes, sir, but I am currently working on the railway project."
I replied very calmly.

" Miss patel, that project can wait and you are wasting my time with your useless arguments. Your time may not be precious to you but mine is. So tell your little mind to do as you are told to do. And your body is always ready to follow orders. Right? Miss patel."
His words were acid.

Is it possible to strangle someone through the phone? If it Is then please tell me right now because that is what I wanted to do.

" Mr. Rathod don't--" before I could complete my sentence he hang up, he hung up on my face.

I will get back to you, you arrogant pig.

I opened the file his PA came with. I opened the first page and see a pinned note, that said :
All the graphs, cost calculation, land price of current and comparison with next 10 years....
the list goes on and on.

What the f*cking hell?

He sent me the file of Mishra's. And with the adjoint big list, this is the work of two days and he is expecting me to complete it in a day.
I mumbled every bad word that I remembered to him In Hindi, Gujarati, and English.
Started to work on the file, though the work was really easy, any new joinee or intern can do this but of course, the timeline he had given was unrealistic.

So it's 4 p.m. I skipped lunch to save almost 30 to 45 minutes. And had 3 cups of black coffee from the coffee machine which got installed today, with the sole intention of saving time for employees. So that they can work more. 

" Hey, I need your help with this, ohhh looks like you are busy." Liza whom I met in the ladies' room yesterday, stormed Into my room with a notepad and file in her hand.

"Yeh, pretty much," I replied while making a chart in the software.
"You know what, I will come later. "

" Hey hey, it's fine. Just wait for a minute. I am almost done with this chart."

" Hey, this is Mishra's work, right? I was working on this but suddenly when I went to meet Rathod sir, he asked me to not do the work. I was so confused, I was working okay in this, and btw why did he give this to you? Don't you have any other important tasks to do?"
She said while observing the prints of notes, charts, and business graphs.

" I am swamped right now. And I would only be able to go home after I finish this. Can you believe this?."

"What? Why would he do that?"

"Well, he is the boss."

" You know what, I can help you with this, I had done some rough work and saved some articles for research purposes I am sure that will help you."

"No, no. If he will find out about this, he wouldn't be happy."
" Who cares? I will go to my desk and will be here in a second."
She came back running.
Her enthusiasm!

"I don't want you to lose your job."
I said.

She is just too sweet.
"Hey, this is the rough work okay, there are no rules here that employees can't help each other. Plus you are my senior so my job is to help you. Now stop talking, and tada. I also have to submit the work by tomorrow."

" Thank you," I yelled at her as she stormed out of my office.
With the help of Lisa's rough work, I finished it way earlier than expected so I went to his office, still, it was 7 o'clock.

Do you want to know what I will do?
Well, I will storm into his office and then will through this file on his face. I am so excited to see his expression, he must have guessed that I would not be able to complete this. This will be a punch to his face.
I will flip my hair in front of him.
I noticed that there are not many people here, who would be?
But busier than usual, well the new addition of deadlines could be the reason.
I knocked on Mr. Rathod's office, which was a shareholders' office before now he turhim Into his,  but no one answered.
I again knocked but nope no answer.

I gave a little push and the door opened.
The office was empty,
I went towards his wooden desk, which was now neat when I came here yesterday It was covered with files, two laptops of Mr. Rathod, his cell, and his long fingers cladded hands.

No, right now I despise him...
I knew that his decision to give me this work was influenced by what I said yesterday.
I also knew that he would get back at me because the game was on.

And of course, it's time to give him some reply too,

Dear respected SIR,
By the way, I’m rolling my eyes as I write this—because I know how much you love that. Respect, as they say, is earned, not forced, a concept that seems to escape you.
I am surprised that you're not here to witness my work completion. Must be preoccupied in some "exclusive" club, I'm sure.
Next time you aim to see me fail, think thrice—my intellect outmatches yours by miles. The proof? The finished work on your desk that you assumed was beyond my capabilities within the given timeline.
P.S.: I trust the extra hours I've pulled today will be reflected in my paycheck. Consider this a lesson in underestimation.

Your employee not a slave,
Aarna Patel.

I folded the note and put it on top of the file.

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