Chapter 1 - Dooku - Rewritten

Start from the beginning

Skywalker reaches out, touching Dooku's Force presence before pulling away. He can't even trust his eyes – although, Dooku can understand his surprise. He's the head of the Separatists, and it would be suicide for him to come to Coruscant under normal circumstances, but everything is far from normal.

It takes a moment for Skywalker to get over his shock and find his voice. "Dooku," he hisses, narrowing his eyes, "What are you doing here?" Taking a pleasure trip, probably.

"This is a surprise, Skywalker," Dooku replies, calmly, "Though I must say it's not an unwelcome one." Not really. It surprises him to find a Jedi so far from the Temple. He'd planned an elaborate ruse to draw Kenobi away, but this is even better.

"Just say whatever you want to say, unless you're planning to kill me, in which case, go right ahead and try," retorts Skywalker. His tone betrays his utter loathing and hatred for Dooku. And he's too confident for his own good.

If Dooku really wanted, he could easily kill the boy. He's alone, far from the Temple, and too lost in his own emotions to put up a fight. It's no wonder his master wants the boy as an apprentice. He has so much raw potential and power, but he just doesn't know how to use it. He's too emotional, and that's something that will lead him directly to the Dark Side at Sidious' beck and call.

Dooku decides to go ahead and start with Kenobi. The mention of his dead former master will be enough to keep the boy off balance. That's what he wants. If Dooku keeps him confused, he won't realize he's being manipulated. "It's such a pity that Kenobi is dead," he begins in a thoughtful tone, "He was a very fine man. Honorable. A worthy opponent. I had dearly hoped he might join me."

And those were all the reasons he'd wanted Kenobi. The Jedi Master was exceedingly clever; a force to be reckoned with in battle. That's what he'd appreciated about him most. He used logic, unlike Skywalker who simply rushes into things without a plan. Just as Dooku had expected, Skywalker bristles, anger surging.

"Don't you dare talk about Obi-Wan," he snarls, "He was a much better man than you ever could be. He would never join you. He's not a traitor." Insults. He thinks he can distract Dooku. Not likely. Dooku is used to people insulting him. That strategy won't work. Really, he would have thought Kenobi taught Skywalker about controlling his anger. Anger is a path to the Dark Side.

He raises an eyebrow slightly. Skywalker is far too immature and childish. "You can't be too certain about that," he replies, "Kenobi never heard my most recent proposal, and I dare say that he would have joined me so we could put a quick end to the war." Of that, he feels comfortable. Kenobi may not have liked it, but he was a sensible man, and if he could end the war without betraying his Jedi morals, he would.

"Considering that you started and are prolonging the war, I really don't see how or why you would suddenly end it," growls Skywalker, rising. Dooku can see the anger – and is that fear? – burning in his eyes. He has no doubt that Skywalker can hear the seductive call of the Dark Side which is humming from his anger. As a Sith, he can see things that the Jedi can't. He can feel how the Dark Side responds to Skywalker. He's not as close to the Light as the Jedi hope.

"You have much to learn, young Skywalker," Dooku chides with a light sigh, "And since your master cannot help me, perhaps you might be interested."

"I will never be a Sith!" he hisses, appalled. He has a strong conviction, but what good is it if he can't even control himself? He's slipping down a dark path from which there is no turning back. He's too impulsive, itching for a fight. Dooku can see him reaching for his lightsaber. That will not do. He has no intention of fighting the boy.

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