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"i'm excited for this show," i grinned. "i love playing in milan, bro!"

"yeah, it's gonna be a great show." finneas agreed.

i looked over to ag to see what she had to say, but my eyes widened as i saw that she had fell asleep. i moved to straddle her lap, then i gently cupped her cheeks.

"baby," i murmured with furrowed brows. "wake uppp."

"no, lemme sleep." she grumbled lowly as she wrapped her arms around my waist to pull me closer to her. she buried her face into the crook of my neck.

"whyyyyyyyyyy?" i dragged out.

"'cause your ass kept me up all night," she complained. "how are you able to go so ma—"

"yep, nope, that's my cue to leave." finneas cut her off as he shook his head and got up.

"sorry, fin. i kinda forgot you were in here." she apologized softly as he started to walk out.

i let out a small giggle. "get up though, bubbie! my show starts in, like, ten minutes! i don't want you to miss it." i pouted.

"don't worry, my love. i wouldn't miss it for the world." she assured.


i walked up onto the stage, then stood there for a moment as i looked out across the crowd. finny and andrew then started playing 'bad guy' so i started jumping along to the beat.

almost immediately, i felt my ankle give out, which made me tumble to the ground. i let out a small grunt, though still sat up, and made gestures for the crowd to keep going.

i stood up and tried to continue singing it, but i couldn't. "i can't do this, i'm sorry."

i limped backstage, over to ag. she immediately brought me into her arms and kiss the top of my head. "are you okay, lovebug?"

"no, i need to sit down."

"here," she murmured before carefully picking me up and bringing me over to sit down on a stool. "which one is it, baby?"

"my right one."

she nodded before gently taking my shoe off, then my sock. my mom came over with a boot for me after checking on my ankle.

"i'm gonna go back on stage." i mumbled after my mom finished putting the boot on.

"are you sure?" ag's brows furrowed.

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