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"i'm so excited!" billie exclaimed before running and jumping onto my back.

"jesus christ," my eyes widened as i stumbled, almost falling down. "you can't just be jumping on me without warning like that."

she laughed loudly as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "one day i'm gonna make you fall and it's gonna be hilarious."

"you say that now, but when it causes one of us to break a damn limb, i don't wanna hear any complaints." i grumbled playfully as i carried her onto the tour bus.

"if it causes me to break a limb, then you'll listen to my complaints and that'll be the end of it." she grinned as she hopped down.

"whatever you say." i rolled my eyes as she sat down on the couch, then pulled me down to sit with her. she laid her head in my lap.

"on a real note though, i really am excited," she smiled softly as i ran my hand through her dark hair. "it's gonna be so fun with you on the tour with me."

i smiled too. "yeah, i'm excited as well. i get to go to all these cities with you; it's gonna be fun as hell."

i took on her appearance in detail for the first time today. my brows furrowed as i looked at the hoodie she was wearing. "bro— i've literally been looking for this hoodie for the past three years, what the fuck?"

"um... oops?"

i rolled my eyes. "that's deadass one of my favorite hoodies too."

"my bad," she murmured as she buried her face into my stomach. "it was kinda hard to give it back anyways considering the fact that you had cut me off completely."

i frowned. "you get why i did though, right?"

"yeah, i do," she sighed. "it still sucked though. but it's in the past, so i don't really wanna think or talk about it anymore."

"me neither."


it's now a few hours later. billie is in an interview, while i'm waiting in the green room. i offered to go into the room with her, but she said that she'd get nervous if i was in there with her.


i was scrolling through my phone until it popped up that jj was trying to facetime me. i answered it.


"hi," she gave a smile. "i'm about to eat, and you said that you would facetime me while i ate and eat with me if that would help, so... yeah." she explained awkwardly.

"alright, bet," i nodded. "i already ate my lunch, but i'll eat some chips, if that's alright?"

"yeah, that's cool." she confirmed.

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