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i let out a sigh as i pressed the elevator door for jj's floor.

two days ago, billie kicked me off of her tour. i'm still upset about honestly. i wasn't expecting her to blow up like that.

she told me to go see jessie, so i did. i came over after my flight landed and took care of her since she was sick. now tonight, we're going on a date.

don't get me wrong; i'm not taking jj on a date to spite billie. i actually really like jess. she's really cool, funny, and easy to be around.

i exited the elevator and walked to her apartment. i took a nervous breath before knocking a few times.

it opened a few seconds later. jj looked up at me. "god damn," she whispered. "you look so fine. jesus christ."

"thank you," i chuckled. "so do you, with your lil' suit."

"thanks." she blushed as she avoided my eyes.

"you're welcome. you ready?" i asked.

"yeah." she nodded, then held her finger up before stepping inside her apartment again to grab something. she came back a few seconds later and held up her car keys. "you wanna drive my car?"

"for real?" my eyes widened and she nodded. "alright, bet. your car is sexy as fuck."

"i know." she smirked cockily.

i playfully rolled my eyes before reaching down to grab her hand. she shut her apartment door before i lead her down to the parking garage. we went to her car and i opened the passenger door for her.

i got into the driver's seat and backed out of her parking spot. i glanced over at her when i felt her staring at me. "what?" i chuckled.

"nothing. this is just a sight that i could get used to," she smiled. "you look incredibly hot driving my car."

"thank you." i gave a soft laugh.


once we got to the restaurant, i helped her out of the passenger seat, then interlaced our fingers.

i started to lead her inside, but before we could get inside, a pap took a picture of us.

ever since billie kissed me in front of that large group of paps, they've been on my ass a bit too. it's honestly weird, 'cause i'm a nobody compared to who they usually go after.

jj didn't seem to mind the picture taken as we went inside. i went to the front, and told them that i was here for my reservation. the waiter nodded and started leading us to our table.

once we sat down, he handed us menus. then he asked for our drinks. we told him them and he walked off after telling us that he'd have them in a few minutes.

"you know... this is, like, my first date." jj admitted with a flushed face.

"for real?" my eyes widened.

"yeah. i never cared for them until now, so..." she trailed off as she shrugged. "i never cared about relationships until now either."

"damn. i've only been in two relationships, so don't feel to bad," i told her. "first girl i dated turned out to be transphobic."

"that's gross," her face scrunched up. "transphobes and homophobes are annoying and disgusting."

"agreed," i nodded. "like... why do they think what we do affects them? because it literally doesn't. they can just not pay attention to us, and then everyone's happy."

"right!" she threw her hands up. "it's so fucking annoying. i can't tell you how many people i've fought 'cause they wanted to say some slick shit to me about it."

i chuckled. "of course you'd fight them. you get into a lot of fights?"

"not so much now, but i did a lot when i was in middle school and high school." she snorted.

"yeah, same. last fight i got in was... shit, probably three years ago." i chuckled.

"damn. what for?"

"uhh," i thought for a moment. "jealously."

"that's hot."

i laughed as i playfully rolled my eyes.

we then looked through our menus to decide on what to eat. once we decided, we continued to talk. eventually, the waiter came back to ask us what we wanted to eat.

"oh!" jj's brows raised slightly. "i found a new therapist. she's old as hell though."

"i—" i cut myself off with a laugh. "you didn't have to add the fact that she's old."

"yeah i did," her brows furrowed. "it's important for you to know!"

"whatever." i chuckled.

she grinned. "i guess i like her so far. she's not as good as a therapist as you, but it's whatever."

"you really think i'm a good therapist?"

"well, of course," she nodded. "you're a really good therapist. for real."

"thank you." i mumbled as i blushed, avoiding her eyes.


"i had a lot of fun tonight." jj told me as we waited in the elevator to get to her floor.

"i'm glad," i smiled. "i had a lotta fun too."

we stepped out of the elevator once it got to her floor. we started walking to her apartment.

"maybe we should do it again sometime..?" jessie raised a questioning brow.

"i'd be down." i agreed.

we reached her apartment and she used her key to unlock it. she opened the door, then turned to me. she looked up at me.

"i'll take you out on the next one though." she told me.

"i'll be waiting." i grinned.

her eyes glanced down from my eyes to my lips a few times. she then mumbled a small "fuck it" before standing up on her tiptoes to kiss me. i leaned down to kiss her back as i placed my hands on her waist.

the kiss quickly deepened and got heated. she started to step back into her apartment with me. "do you wanna continue this?" she asked breathlessly.

i looked her up and down a few times. "yeah, i do."


a/n y'all rocking with ag x jj 🤨⁉️



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