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timeskip of one monthANNAGRACE REID

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timeskip of one month

i braided billie's hair for her, careful not to pull too hard as i did.

"can you believe that i'm playing prague tomorrow?" she asked.

"of course i can. you're amazing, lovebug," i smiled. "what i can't believe though is that you spelled it as prog. actually, i take that back— i can believe that you spelled it like that."

"leave me alone," she whined. "that's how it sounds like it would be spelled! it's not my fault!"

"it's just funny 'cause you had the audacity to say that you were a good speller." i snorted.

"for the most part, i am." she grumbled.

"whatever helps you sleep at night, lil' one."

i finished braiding her hair, smiling at the result. it looks sick as hell with the neon green roots.

she stood up and then moved to straddle my lap. she leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. "thank you, baby."

"of course, my love." i smiled.

she pulled back to give me a loving smile, meeting my eyes. her smile grew wider. "you know... i have a crush on you."

"really now?" i chuckled.

"mhm," she nodded, then held her fingers up to demonstrate. "just a tiny one though." she giggled.

"right... well, i have a crush on you too." i admitted.

"you do?"

"i do." i confirmed.

she brought her hands up to cup my face softly. "lil' angel face." she murmured, which made my cheeks flush slightly.

"i love you," i told her. "so much."

"i love you so much too." she gave a cute smile, scrunching up her nose.

"i'ma marry you one day." i mumbled as i continued to hold eye contact.

her eyes are so fucking pretty.

"yeah?" she raised a brow. "well... i'm gonna marry you first."

"you are?" i chuckled and she nodded. "how do you plan to do that, lovebug?"

"i dunno, but i'll figure it out." she said.

"hm," i hummed, then playfully said "let's go get married right now."

"shitttt," she dragged out. "i'd love that."

"but," she held up her finger. "one of us has to propose first."

i took her small hands in mine and interlaced our fingers. "i'm gonna propose."

"not if i do it first." she smirked.

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