That was the moment that I got my shit together and realised needed to move on though, so i am glad it happened. 

'Kara?' I heard a high-pitched voice say, their voice going up at the end, questioning if it was me or not. 

As i turned around to see who it was my shoulders slumped. 

'Really?' i said, looking Olivia straight in the face. 

She was alone this time, with a basket full of healthy looking food. Her eyes looked slightly swollen as if she had been crying. 

'Are you alright?' i asked, suddenly quite worried. As much as i despised the girl for what she did to Ryan and how Nicholas had fallen for her and not me, i still didn't like to see her upset. 

Her eyes started to fill up with tears again, but she blinked them back. 

'Im fine' she smiled sadly at me, pulling her coat around her tightly. 'How is Ryan doing?' she asked

I gulped. looking down at my feet awkwardly. 

'He's fine i guess' i said, desperately wanting to get out of the conversation. 

'Are he and Gabby like a thing now?' she asked, her voice trailing off slightly. I noticed her eyes looked quite sad, maybe she missed him. 

'yea' I answered simply, playing with my fingers. 

'Thats funny' she laughed quietly. 'I always thought he had a thing for you'

My head snapped up quickly, looking at her in they eyes.

'I need to go' i said quickly, 'I hope you feel better' 

I turned around, basically legging it out towards the alcohol section, grabbing a bottle of vodka, the buying and getting out of the store as quickly as i could. 

What the fuck had just happened. 

What the actual fuck had just fucking happened. 

I drove home, in a daze most of the journey. Ryan's ex girlfriend had just said she thought he had a thing for me. This was definite news to me. 


At 7:45 I made my way to Sams house, my bottle of vodka resting on the passenger seat next to me as i drove.

When i arrived, Violet was already there and Sarah had just texted me she was a few minutes away. 

'I have vodka!' I laughed, as i walked into Sam's room. 

'Thank God' she said, grabbing it from me and getting some glasses. 'We can get drunk and watch "He's just not that into you" ' 

My eyes widened. 'I love that film!' 

When Sarah arrived, we all huddled round on some beanbags in front of the tv. 

Violet sat next to me as Sam struggled to get the DVD to work on her television. 

'I'm sorry about my sister last night' she said quietly, shoving some food into her mouth. 

'What do you mean?' i asked back, taking some food too and grabbing a soft blanket and pulling it over myself. 

'Well she kind of hogged Ryan the whole night' she continued, as Sam and Sarah turned to look at us and listen in on the conversation 

'Why would i care about that?' i asked, confused. 

It was then i saw Sam give Violet a shut the fuck up look. 

'No seriously' i said, looking at all three girls. Sarah just shrugged back at me. 

'Well..' Sam started. 'All of Ryan's friends have been noticing recently how much time you two have been spending together and we kind of came to the conclusion that you both had a little thing about each other' she explained to me. 

I grabbed the vodka bottle and some coke, pouring myself a drink. 

'Well we don't' i said, taking a gulp. 

'Are you sure about that?' Sarah asked. I glared at her, confused to why she was asking such an obvious question. 

'Yes!' i said, looking at all three of the again so they knew i was being serious. 'If anything he annoys the shit out of me and sometimes i wonder if we are even friends at all'

They all stared back at me, until Sam broke the silence by crunching a crisp. 

'Okay' she said cheerily, 'YES!' she exclaimed, as she finally fixed the DVD player.

We decided to make a drinking game in the film, and by the time it was over all four of us were completely pissed out of our minds.

Sarah was in the bathroom, probably being sick into the toilet. Being drunk two nights in a row was not a good idea. 

Sam, Violet and I were laughing, chatting about guys at our school. 

'Okay okay okay' Sam said, repeating herself loads, not quite getting the words out. 'What about that guy Luka in the year above, he's hot right?' she giggled. 

'No!' Violet yelled. 'Its all about that 21 year old guy who works at the cake shop- omg he is so hot' she laughed

'Hey, why don't we call Ryan?' Sam suggesting, taking my phone from my hand and scrolling through my contacts'. 

'yea!' I giggled too, clearly excited by the prospect.

'here!' she said, shoving the phone back to me. 'It's gone to voicemail, leave him a message!' 

I took the phone from here, pulling it up to my ear and taking a deep breath. 

After that moment, i don't remember a thing until the moment i woke up. 


Authors Note- 

dun dun dunnnn

Guys, please share this with your friends on wattpad, or anywhere else if you are enjoying it at the moment. 

I have tried to upload a few chapters recently to make up for my lack on content x

The Undeniable जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें