Paternity Test.

A paternity test? My heart drops and suddenly, it's like someone added weight on my shoulders. He doesn't trust me? A tear escapes my left eye and ends up on the paper that I'm holding in my shaking hands. I slowly let myself sit on the chair, holding the paper. I've read it ten times.

Paternity Test.

Paternity Test.

The two words are echoing in my head. Why would he do this to me? I thought he trusted me, and that I could trust him. I find the strength to get up and go downstairs with the papers of the test. He always said that he was lucid of our night.

While I'm waiting, I go on Twitter. I haven't really been on social media's for a while so I guess while I'm waiting I can catch up on all the news and dramas. I want to clear my mind. This is my favorite thing to do when I need to let go of stress. The first thing I see is that the hashtag Harry Styles is trending. I know I shouldn't, but I click on it.

No. I cannot stop myself from letting out a sob. I keep scrolling down the pictures that are the most liked. It's mostly paparazzis or fans photos where we can see Harry and a girl smiling at each other and holding hands.

For two weeks, Harry has been seen going out for dinner with a girl. Apparently she's a model. She blonde, she's tall, she's skinny, she's everything he could ever ask for. Obviously, my body isn't that great, I'm not skinny, I'm pregnant and enormous, I don't have blonde hair, I'm a brunette, I'm not tall. I guess that's why he's been so secretive about his phone calls and his behavior. How could he come home every night after that and sleep in the same bed as me, cuddling me?

Tears are streaming down my cheeks, I can feel their salty taste on my lips. I wipe them off with the back of my hand. My heart aches and I can feel it beating very fast against my chest.

My tears feel like acid coming out of my eyes. I can't believe he would cheat. I thought he was trustworthy. I guess I was wrong, again. Once again, I'm being humiliated by a man.

Suddenly my sadness is transformed in anger. In rage, I throw my phone on the other side of the couch and scream into the pillows around me, I send them flying around the room. I take the glass full of water on the coffee table throw it in the wall. It breaks in a thousand pieces on the floor, right in front of the door. I can see the gate opening and Harry's car coming in the driveway. I don't want to see him. He is the last person in the world that I wish to speak yo right now.

After all I can do is laugh at myself. It's my fault. I decided to trust him. How pathetic am I... Crying over a cheater again.

I hear the door open. I don't even bother turning around, I already know who it is and I don't want to look at him. It would just hurt more. I can't be humiliated anymore. I need it to stop. I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. What am I going to say to him?

"Fuck, Violet what happened are you okay? Why is there glass and water everywhere?" He walks to the couch and stands in front of me. His eyes softens when he sees my face, my eyes must be red and tears are staining my cheeks. He tries to put his hands on my cheeks but I quickly slap them away. I take three steps back from him, trying to put some distance between us.

"Am I okay? Am I okay? How dare you!" I croak, my voice is way less confident that how it sounded in my head. I stand up and go get my phone. The screen is broken, the glass getting inside my fingers. I wince in pain. Harry looks at me, visibly confused. He tries to help me, seeing my thumbs cut by the glass. I open Twitter and put my phone in front of his face.

When he realizes what the pictures are, he opens his mouth to talk but I raise my hand to stop him.

"Don't. I know what you're going to say. 'It's not what it looks like' 'We're just friends' Blah blah blah. I don't care about your bullshit. What I care about is what I see, and right now I'm seeing that you cheated on me! You think you're so smart I'd never find out? Well guess what, this is the only time I'm thankful for paparazzis. How dare you? After everything that happened between us.. We hada baby shower for God's sake! I presented you to my family, I flew to New York to surprise you, I designed you a suit, we decided the name of our daughters, we slept together!" I move my hands in the air, not knowing what to do with them.

"Violet please just hear m-" He tries to take a step forward me but I step back and stop him before he finishes.

"Stop! I said I don't want to hear your bullshit ! You were with her tonight weren't you? Jeff wasn't the one calling you?" I bet I'm red of anger, mixed with the tears, the messy hair and the dark circles under my eyes, my face must be scary to look at.

He doesn't reply and just looks at the floor. Guilty.

"That's what I thought. How did you dare telling me you loved me before going to see her? Do you realize how humiliating that is? Why would you do that? you think I'm just some charity case that you take care of because you got me like this? I can take care of myself perfectly so now this is what I'm going to do. You disgust me." I try to go but Harry grabs my arm, holding me back.

"No I really meant it. I mean it. I love you Violet. Please it isn't what it looks like. I can explain! Jeff did everything!" I look at him in the eyes and see that he's crying too, tears are flowing down his face. I almost feel pity for him. I take his hand off my arm.

"Jeff did this? Was Jeff the one holding her hand and taking her out? Do you see Jeff anywhere on these pictures?" I throw my phone of the couch. I can feel the tears burning my eyes. Now he's trying to put the blame on someone else to save himself?

"It's always easier to put the blame on someone else isn't it?" I scoff and wipe a tear off my cheeks.

He doesn't answer, he tries to talk but nothing is coming out of his mouth. I go take the papers that I found in his office.

"Also, don't worry, you won't have to do the test. I won't say you're their father. We'll just live our life and you'll live yours. I guess that'll be better."

I tear the papers out and drop them on the ground. I storm out of the house, taking my purse from the closet and walking away. I put my hand on my belly and let tears fall down my cheeks. We'll be happy the three of us, right?

"Don't follow me. Leave me alone. I'll send someone to take my stuff."

"Please Violet let me explain! I love you!" I hear Harry say behind me. He's following me, I can tell by his footsteps. I refuse to turn around. I refuse to see him.

"I hate you." I mutter understand my breath. I know he didn't hear it, I didn't want him to, but I needed to let it out.

I start walking faster and take the first bus I see. I don't know where I'm going, what my next stop will be, but I know that I need to get as far as possible from Harry. I search for my phone in my bag and realize that I forgot it on the couch. Good, at least Harry won't try to call me.

"Just you and me," My voice comes out as a whisper, my hands on my belly.

To the new adventure.

Not going to lie, I've been waiting to write this chapter since I started the story lol.
Y'all ain't ready for what's next.

All the love, C. X

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