Ch. 12: David, Yin, and Yang

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Back in Japan, the evening rose. Akihiko and Atsuko were out for the whole day. They were out because they were taking care of things in Japan. Akiko, Toby, Luca, Alberto, and the others were in the living room, talking, laughing, and joking. Alberto and Luca were talking about Vespas and how cool they were. Akiko, Toby, Akito, and Aiko were talking about music. Alberto then stopped for a brief moment and looked around. He saw that Akihiko and Atsuko were nowhere to be found. "Wait, where's your mom and dad?" Alberto asked.
"Oh, they're out of the house to take care of things in Japan." Akiro said.
"Like what?" Luca added.
"You know, conflicts, arguments, fights, that stuff." Ahiko replied.
"They take care of that kind of stuff and make the situation better." Akito said.
"Oh, cool!" Toby exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Alberto added. Luca nodded as he smiled.
"We stay home to keep things in check." Akiko explained.
"I can see how that would make sense." Toby said. Just then, Akito remembered that she and her siblings were going to go for a walk. "Hey, guys, wanna come with?" She asked.
"Where?" Alberto replied.
"We're about to go for a walk." Aiko said.
"Do we have the option to stay here?" Luca asked.
"Yes, if you want to stay here, that's an option. You don't have to go on the walk if you don't want to." Akito responded kindly. Luca nodded as Alberto agreed with Luca.
"I'll stay." Astro said.
"I'll stay here, too. To make sure Toby, Luca, and Alberto are safe." Akiko added.
"That's fine! We'll be out. Call us if you need anything, sis!" Aiko replied.
"I will! Have a nice walk!" Akiko said. As everyone bid Akiko and the boys farewell, they all walked out the door. After the others left, Akiko sat down on a couch as Luca and Alberto did the same. Toby just stayed standing. After Alberto sat down, he heard a jingle from another room. He almost got up to check what it was, but not even a second later, a small Yorkiepoo Puppy walked out of the room. As the Yorkiepoo saw the new boys, he ran over to the couch and jumped up on Alberto. Akiko laughed as the Yorkiepoo licked Alberto's face. "David! Settle!" Akiko laughed.
"Hey! Smettila! Smettila!" Alberto started laughing. Luca laughed with Akiko as Alberto calmed David down. "What is this thing?" Alberto asked as he gently picked David up.
"That's our Yorkiepoo, David." Akiko said.
"He's cute!" Luca exclaimed.
"Yes, he is!" Toby added as he pet David. Akiko laughed as she took David from Alberto. "I think he likes you two! He loves literally everyone!" Akiko laughed.
"Really?" Luca was surprised.
"Yes!" Akiko replied. As Akiko held David, David tried licking Alberto's face again. Alberto dodged the licks that time and started laughing. He then pointed to Luca and then to David as he started talking again. "Luca, look at him trying to lick my nose." Alberto laughed. Luca laughed with Alberto.
"I like you too!" Alberto told David as he smiled. Just then, Akiko let David down as two cats approached Akiko. Luca and Alberto looked confused. "Wha?" Alberto asked. Akiko smiled as one of the cats sat on her head, and the other cat laid on her shoulders. "Luca, Alberto, meet Yin and Yang!" Akiko said.
"Yin and Yang?" Luca asked.
"Yes! They're brother and sister. We named them after the Yin and Yang Symbol. As you can see, one of the cats has white fur with a black spot on both of her hips. The other has black fur with a white spot on both of his hips. The white cat looks like the light side of the Yin and Yang Symbol, so we named her Yin. And the black cat looks like the dark side of the Yin and Yang Symbol, so we named him Yang." Akiko explained.
"That's so cool!" Toby exclaimed.
"And they kinda look like the Yin and Yang Symbol when they lay down together." Akiko said.
"Oh! Now I get it!" Luca hollered. Just then, Alberto carefully walked up to Akiko to try to pick up Yang. He failed as Yang slapped him. "Ahia!" Alberto exclaimed, startled.
"Sorry about that, Alberto. Yang is pretty sensitive when it comes to meeting new people, but he'll warm up to you two though, so don't worry." Akiko said.
"How long does that take?" Luca asked.
"Not long, sometimes takes only a few minutes, sometimes a day." Akiko replied. Just then, Yang reached out to Alberto to be held. Alberto didn't know what to do since Yang slapped him a minute ago, so he backed up. "Well, hello there! Didn't you just slap me?" Alberto was uneasy.
"He's possibly trying to make it up to you. You know, he might be trying to apologize." Akiko summed up.
"Oh!" Luca said. Yang reached out to Alberto again. Alberto carefully picked up Yang from Akiko. Akiko helped Alberto by picking Yang up and handing him to Alberto. "Okay, you're okay. There you go, there you go!" Akiko said kindly. As Alberto successfully picked up Yang, Luca smiled warmly as he walked up to him. "This is awesome!" Alberto exclaimed.
"Can.. I try?" Luca asked.
"Sure! Hold up." Alberto replied as he carefully handed Yang to Luca.
"Wait, I'm gonna drop him!" Luca was worried.
"No, you won't drop him. Calm down. That's Bruno talking." Alberto replied.
"Right. Silenzio Bruno. Silenzio Bruno." Luca whispered to himself. After a few seconds, Yang was secured within Luca's arms. Luca was amazed. "Whoa!" He exclaimed.
"Our other friend, Giulia, has a cat, too." Alberto said.
"Giulia?" Akiko asked.
"Giulia Marcovaldo. She lives in Portorosso, like us." Luca replied.
"Will we see her when we get you home?" Toby asked.
"Uh-huh!" Alberto said. Akiko nodded as she smiled.
"We look forward to meeting her then!" Akiko replied. Alberto and Luca smiled.

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