Ch. 4: New Day

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After the tragic incident the day before, Luca and Alberto were still under the net, but they were asleep. As the morning sun rose, they both woke up. Alberto looked to Luca and smiled. "Morning, Luca!" He exclaimed.
"Good morning!" Luca replied. Alberto smiled again as Luca smiled back. Meanwhile, at the Konomashīs' apartment, Akiko packed up her beloved Violin and got ready to head out of the room. "Hey, guys! I'm going to the Ocean!" She said.
"Fine, but be safe, alright?" Akiko's mother, Atsuko, replied.
"Got it!" Akiko exclaimed kindly. As Atsuko nodded, Akiko walked out of the room and started walking to the Pacific Ocean. It took Akiko about 1 hour to get to the Ocean due to where she lived. After she got there, she set her Violin down on a huge rock next to the water and took a deep breath. She didn't notice the net or the two Sea Boys under the net. As Akiko finished taking deep breaths, she smiled at the Ocean and walked to where her Violin was located. She smiled as she opened the case. The case contained a beautiful, auburn brown Violin. Akiko took the Violin out of it's case and tuned it. One string after another, her Violin was successfully tuned. After Akiko tuned her Violin, she walked back to the Shore and started to play. She played a beautiful song called "Heavenly" by one of her favorite producers, Prayer Pray. As she played her Violin, pink streams of glittery magic radiated from the Violin. That magic she was conjuring was called Musically Positive Energy. Akiko played her Violin as the Positive Energy spread out into the atmosphere. From underwater, Luca and Alberto looked up at the Surface and were surprised. They even heard the beautiful sound from underneath the water. "That's beautiful!" Alberto exclaimed. Luca agreed as he got an epiphany moments later. "Maybe she can help!" He said. Alberto smiled. "Hello?" Luca asked. From the Surface, Akiko heard Luca's voice and briefly stopped playing her Violin. She looked around, and saw nothing. "Hello?" She called back.
"Hello?" Alberto said, getting Akiko's attention. Akiko gasped as she saw Luca and Alberto underwater. Moments later, she noticed the net. "Why is that net even here?" Akiko thought to herself as she removed the net from the water. Luca and Alberto could finally reach the surface. Luca tried to help Alberto, whose tail was still caught in the wire. "何で-?" Akiko stopped mid-sentence to visualize the situation. She then understood what was happening. Akiko knelt down to Luca's level and started talking to him. "Hey. Need some help?" She asked. Luca only nodded sheepishly. "Alright. Let's see what we can do here." Akiko replied as she tried helping Luca. The more Luca and Akiko pulled, the tighter the wire became on Alberto's tail. "AHIA!" Alberto yelped. Akiko was startled by the sudden scream, and stopped pulling. Luca did the same. "I'm so sorry!" Akiko gasped.
"We're trying to get the wire off." Luca added.
"Wire?" Akiko asked herself. She then saw the wire that tangled Alberto's tail. As the wire tightened on Alberto's tail, Akiko caught an idea. "Hey, I can see what's happening because you're right near the shore. Maybe I can cut the wire off somehow." She said.
"That's a good idea." Luca replied. He was still in his Sea Monster form because he was in the water the whole time. Akiko grabbed the wire by where it started on Alberto's tail and tried to untangle it. "Ow!" Alberto hollered, causing Akiko to jump.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Akiko replied. As she kept trying to loosen the wire, she noticed that it was working. Once the wire was completely loose, Akiko gently pulled Alberto's tail from it. "Whew. Thank you, guys." Alberto said, relieved.
"You're welcome!" Akiko replied as Luca nodded. Akiko looked down at Alberto's tail to see that it was bleeding slightly from the wire tightening on it. Alberto was still in the water, so he was still in his Sea Monster form. "Awww." She thought to herself. She then brightened up and generated a First Aid kit with her powers and showed it to Alberto. She then got out a bandage wrap and opened it in front of the Sea Monster. A second later, Alberto was startled. Akiko used motions to explain what she was going to do with the wrap. As Alberto saw what the girl was going to do, Luca braced him as Alberto calmed down a bit. Akiko smiled as she started to gently wrap the bandage around the wounded parts on Alberto's tail. After Akiko was finished with the bandage wrap, Alberto looked down at his tail, then back up at Akiko. Akiko smiled warmly as she helped both of the boys back up. "Thanks." Alberto said.
"No problem!" Akiko replied as Luca smiled. Akiko walked back over to put her Violin back in its case as Luca and Alberto gradually turned to their human forms. After Akiko finished situating her Violin, she looked back and saw the boys, but they looked different. Alberto waved as Akiko looked back. "Oh, hi!" He exclaimed. Akiko was dumbfounded. "Wait, what?" She asked. As she took off her pink glasses, she rubbed her eyes and put her glasses back on. She still saw Luca and Alberto as humans. "Wait a minute! Who are you?" Akiko asked.
"Oh. I'm Alberto. This is Luca." Alberto replied as he pointed to himself and Luca.
"But, where did you two come from?" Akiko questioned.
"Oh! I know what you're confused about! We'll show you." Luca said as he took Akiko's hand and pulled her near the water. Alberto walked over to Luca and stood next to him. Luca and Alberto both took a handful of water, which turned their hands into their Sea Monster forms, and splashed their faces with it to show Akiko what she saw. As they splashed their faces with water, their faces altered to their Sea Monster form. Akiko's eyes widened as she understood what she saw. "OH! YOU TWO are the Sea Monsters! You two are who I helped!" Akiko exclaimed. Luca and Alberto both nodded. "Hey, what's your name?" Alberto asked.
"My name is Akiko Kido Konomashī." Akiko replied. "And yours?" She asked.
"Alberto Scorfano!" Alberto replied, smiling.
"Luca Paguro!" Luca added. Akiko nodded as she took another look at Luca and Alberto. Akiko then smiled. "Well, I wouldn't call you Sea MONSTERS, though. You're more like..." She tried coming up with a more sophisticated and logical classification for Luca and Alberto. Seconds later, she came up with one. "Sea Boys! That suits you better! You're not even Monsters at all! In my opinion, you're both too cute and friendly to even be called Monsters!" Akiko exclaimed. Luca and Alberto both shared smiles to each other, and then to Akiko.

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