Ch. 1: Escape Portorosso

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It was a brisk, Summer night in Portorosso for bestfriends Luca Paguro, Alberto Scorfano, and Giulia Marcovaldo, as they all were outside stargazing. "Wow. I really do love seeing these stars." Alberto said, mesmerized by the millions of billions of stars in the sky.
"I love how the all shine and sparkle! And there's something to learn about each of them!" Giulia replied. Luca just looked up at the shining stars as his round, brown eyes reflected the night sky. They all talked and laughed and joked, but down below, Ercole was up to no good. He was planning to hunt Luca and Alberto down for a terrible cause. After he had been thrown in the fountain, he wanted revenge, but didn't have Guido and Ciccio around, so he had to do everything himself. Ercole had a crossbow in hand. A few seconds after he got to where he wanted, Ercole took the shot. The arrow missed the trio as it flew upward, leaving Luca, Alberto, and Giulia confused. "Where'd that come from?" Giulia asked. Alberto looked down to where the arrow came from. As he saw Ercole, his facial expression conveyed fear. "What is it?" Luca asked.
"It's Ercole! I don't know what he wants, but-!" Alberto was cut off by a rope suddenly looped around him. As Alberto was pulled off the roof, he screamed. "Alberto!" Luca hollered in shock.
"Oh my gosh!" Giulia added. As they saw their friend get pulled off the roof, they carefully got off of the roof and chased after Ercole. Ercole saw Luca and immediately knew that he was the other Sea Monster. "It's that other little Sea Monster!" He said. As Ercole got farther and farther away, Luca and Giulia were still trying to catch up to him. There was a small river nearby, so Luca got the idea to go after Ercole by diving into the water, swimming as fast as he could, and then jumping out of the water for a surprise attack. After a few seconds, Luca put his plan into action as he jumped into the water. Giulia just kept running on land. Luca transformed into a Sea Monster and started swimming as fast as he could. As he swam, he also noticed that he was getting closer to Ercole. Luca sprang from the water and knocked Ercole down. Ercole fell over and dropped the sack. As Luca dried off from being in the waters, he gradually turned back to his human form. He then ran over and freed Alberto from the sack he was trapped in. After Alberto was free, he smiled at Luca. "Hey, thanks, Luca. I really appreciate it." He said. Luca smiled back as he nodded and helped Alberto get back on his feet. Moments later, from under the water, Luca's mother, Daniela Paguro, and his father, Lorenzo Paguro, emerged to see the unfortunate event. From what they were seeing, they immediately knew that Luca and his friends were in danger. Back at the scene, Giulia caught up to Luca and Alberto. "You guys okay?" She asked as she hunched over in fatigue from running. The two boys nodded at the same time. Giulia walked over to her friends, as soon as she caught her breath, and started speaking to them again. "Guys, listen. I'm not the one Ercole is after, so I'm staying here. But you two need to get out of here, veloce." She said in a firm manner.
"But, what about you?" Luca was worried for his friend.
"Yeah, what're you gonna do staying here? You'll get hurt!" Alberto added. Giulia just smiled warmly as she hugged them both. "I'll be fine." She replied. As she heard Ercole get back up to his feet, Giulia gasped as she took Luca and Alberto by their hands and sprinted near the water. Ercole ran after them. Daniela gasped as she saw the danger that Luca, Alberto, and Giulia were in. "KIDS! OVER HERE!" She hollered. As soon as Giulia got Luca and Alberto to the water, she stopped as Luca and Alberto unintentionally stepped into the water as their feet turned vibrant colors, Luca's feet turned a neon greenish teal while Alberto's feet turned periwinkle blue. Luca hugged his mother. "Listen carefully, boys. As soon as you leave here, don't stop. Don't stop until you're somewhere safe, don't stop until you're able to get back! Got it?" Daniela asked.
"But, mom!" Luca started in protest.
"You heard me! Get somewhere safe! Now go!" Daniela yelled as she pushed both Luca and Alberto to give them a headstart. As Giulia watched her friends leave, Luca and Alberto turned back to face Giulia, Daniela, and Lorenzo. They all smiled warmly to the two young Sea Monsters. Luca and Alberto nodded and smiled faintly as they started swimming farther and farther away from Portorosso. They were headed to the Eastern Pacific Ocean, which was located in Japan, but it's not like they knew that much. All they knew at the moment was that they needed to get somewhere safe.

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