Chapter 9 - Kiss Not Kill

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Hey bubs!
Hiatus is finally over, but since I wasn't able to finish my schedule for writing as planned, only 2 chapters will be published in July. I'll be back on the weekly schedule in August.
Happy reading with lots of luv and kisses!


Nineteen Years Ago

Katsuki was surrounded by his followers and Izuku, all of whom were trailing close behind. Two girls who were in awe of the ash blond's explosions tailed behind the crowd of boys, a deep desire to play heroes and villains with him and 'Bakugo Agency' bubbled deep in their chests.

But Katsuki wasn't having it. When they asked him for the millionth time that day, he snapped.

"I can't play with girls! All girls are weak! My old hag is the only strong girl I know and she's scary." He shivered, remembering how his mother scolded him for not eating his green beans.

He refused to eat it since it resembled Hizumi's hair oh too well.

Before he could further ponder on his intimidating mother, someone else smacked his head from behind. They smacked him hard.

"Don't call Aunty Mistu an old hag." Hizumi reprimanded. "And who are you to say all girls are weak?" She frowned, her cheeks pink and puffed out in anger.

Katsuki blinked, dumbfounded, then grimaced when he saw her irate. She always had a nastier temper compared to Izuku.

Yet, Katsuki refused to back down. He puffed his chest with pride, placing his fists on his hips in a triumphant pose.

"I'll prove it!" He declared, he beamed throwing a victorious punch in the air. "I'll prove to you that boys are stronger than girls!"

Hizumi gave a menacing smile. "Ok Kacchan. We fight right now! Right here!" She exclaimed.

"Ok everyone watch and learn." The vermillion eyed boy cackled.

He threw an explosion at her, a small yet powerful one.

She absorbed it like it was nothing, throwing a smaller explosion back.

Katsuki was shocked. "I thought you only make them bigger not smaller!" He yelled in confusion.

The freckled girl snickered. "I can make em any size Kacchan," she said. "I can even make explosions into something else."

He perked his brow, "What do you mean something else?"

Hizumi only smirked and ran forward, throwing a punch.

The two of them kept it up, Katsuki throwing an explosion and Hizumi reflecting with a smaller one, a few punches here and there.

Then Hizumi took a few steps back, cracked her knuckles and extended her arms forward.

Izuku was quiet during the whole ordeal, too conflicted to choose a side. But when he saw her stand in that posture, his doe eyes widened like saucers.

They widened in fear.

"NO HIZU!" He screamed, but it fell to her deaf ears, the surge of orange flames leaving her palms roaring and muffling any sound.

Katsuki was shocked, and quickly deflected by rolling on the ground and away from the heat.

Hizumi collapsed on the floor, shivering like she was in a blizzard, her skin slowly losing color.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞 𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕖 | Katsuki Bakugo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now